Lifting the Bridal Veil

"It shows that you're important," Ye Zhenhua said cheerfully. "Its weight implies that you're valued and treasured. It's supposed to be an auspicious symbol."

But Western-style weddings don't follow so many rituals and traditions.

Ye Qianqian mumbled under her breath.

Before long, someone came up to them and declared, "The bridegroom is here. Get ready, everyone!"

Ye Qianqian almost felt she was about to faint under the weight. But when she heard the announcement, her first thought was: I'm going to be liberated!

She rejoiced too soon.

Shen Zhilie was blocked at the door. The atmosphere outside was lively, but she remained in a quiet daze.

Before she knew it, Shen Zhilie was glancing up at her on bended knee, saying, "I'll take you home, Qianqian."

The crowd cheered on, to her confusion.

She was led into the car. Then, the couple went to pay their respects to the gods.