The Baby's Fine, but She Couldn't See Him

Shen Manting's heart began racing when she saw the words appearing on the screen of her phone.

She instinctively looked around.

She noticed a figure walking slowly toward her from behind.

The figure was tall and towering, yet appeared considerably thinner than when she last saw him.

He had become thinner.

Much more thinner.

Shen Manting felt a dull ache in her heart, but something in her gut urged her to get up and leave immediately.

Shen Luo'an noticed and picked up his pace, chasing after her.

Shen Manting began running faster when she heard his movements behind her. But her stamina was no match for his.

Shen Luo'an quickly caught up with her and grabbed her hand.

Shen Manting was startled. She immediately jerked her hand away as if she were electrocuted.

However, resistance was futile as he held her hand firmly in a vice-like grip.