Stay here and look after the baby

She choked on her words as she stared straight into Shen Luo'an's eyes.

When Shen Luo'an saw her shedding tears, he sighed deeply. "What are you crying for? His temperature is already coming down."

Shen Manting saw a cooling pack resting on his forehead. He was still on an IV drip.

The sight of his petite feet being bound and elevated for the drip made Shen Manting frustratingly anxious as her heart ached for her baby.

"Is it possible to bring down his fever without medical intervention?" She looked at Shen Luo'an with hope in her eyes.

"No, his temperature is too high." Shen Luo'an sighed. "I didn't return home the day before yesterday, so I left the baby in Mother He's care."

"How could Mother He be so careless with the child?" Shen Manting frowned and wiped her tears. "Where were you? Why didn't you go home?"