It's My Fault she Ended up in This State...

Shen Longyue's heart sank when the nurse told him about Shen Manting's condition.

The nurse noticed his sorrowful expression and asked out of curiosity, "Excuse me, Director. May I know if the patient in the ward is related to you…"

Shen Longyue looked at her and sighed softly. "She's my daughter-in-law," he replied.

The nurse returned a sympathetic and concerned gaze when she heard that.

She knew at once that the impassive man sitting at the door with his face covered in blood and tears was the director's son.

She offered consolation to them and soon left.

Shen Longyue sat down beside Shen Luo'an silently.

Both father and son sat together outside the door for over ten hours.

Shen Longyue and Shen Luo'an kept their eyes wide open the whole time, their gaze fixated on the door of the operating theater.

Both of them didn't yawn even once or catch a quick nap.

Finally, the door of the operating theater opened.