The red haired Goddess

The door slammed with a resounding boom leaving the door jam and the window panes rattling long after the door was closed.

"Lou Hartley!"

Ruo spat through gritted teeth. From today onwards Hartley would come to find out that she only addressed him as Lou Hartley when she was really annoyed, her chest heaved up and down as she animatedly pranced around the room in disgust.

She fixed him with the death stare for what must have been the hundredth time today.

"I swear to the Holy Matriarch if I catch you peeping at another girl's chest again I will gouge your eyes out" she shook her little fist as her red hair danced around the contorted features of her face.

She finally stopped pacing and stood hands akimbo. Another death stare occurred. Then she stammered "That... that... that WHORE!" the word exploded with venom out of her mouth.

Hartley couldn't help but laugh at her last outburst. He then pulled himself together and put on his most pitiful face as he saw a flash of annoyance on her face.

"Ruo I was just minding my own business and she came to show me some dresses for you."

"Was she showing you that whore dress she was wearing?" Hartley knew not to answer that and stayed silent.

In that cute manner of hers, she turned her nose to the sky and snorted a loud hmph before heading to have her bath. Hartley now resigned himself to the fact that he might not even get to sleep on the bed tonight. He couldn't help but release a long depressed sigh

Later that night Hartley sat cross legged cultivating on the floor of the bedroom, Zhi Ruo turned with a face of annoyance,

"So, are you not coming to bed tonight?" she asked. "Am I allowed?" Hartley asked in a meek voice.

Zhi Ruo's tone softened drastically.. she sighed "Hartley come to bed, I might have over-reacted earlier." Hartley knew not to confirm or deny that. He carefully climbed into bed leaving a clear distance between them.

Zhi Ruo blushed and scooted closer then started kissing him with a passion he had never seen before. Before long he was pressing down her athletic body underneath him while she moaned and groaned in pleasure. All he could think was. "maybe I should look at other women's breast and get her riled up like this more often."

The next morning Hartley sat up on the bed and couldn't help but ask with a serious face "Ruo are you happy?" the thoughts of him dragging her along for his own selfish reasons had weighed on his mind. "Is this about the shop yesterday?" Ruo answered "I already told you that I over-reacted" "No Ruo its not about yesterday, its about the whole dangerous journey, do you feel we would have been better off staying in the Waltham province?"

She squinted her eyes, raised her pale right hand and gently caressed the left side of his face, with a serious face she said "if you are having doubts its normal Hartley, you are not a sand puppet after all. It would be worrying if you cared for only your cause, doubts assures me that you have other considerations outside of your ambitions."

"The decision I made to conquer the world by your side I will never regret, When we fled the capital with my dad and mom I was sleeping when we came under attack. my mom died that night," as tears ran down her face she continued " The helplessness that I felt that night has stayed within my mind ever since then, until I met you... That helplessness is gone when I'm with you Hartley." Now I feel we can control our own destinies and not live at the whims of others and besides, I am not from the Waltham province, even though I grew to love the place. That's not where I belong, I belong anywhere you are."

Zhi Ruo leaned in and planted a loving kiss on his face, "Don't worry about me Hartley, I promise I will not become a burden on this journey, shafts of sunlight entered the room through the half open window and gave the early morning scene a natural yellowish glow, Hartley opened his mouth to assure her, but he could find no words. He hugged her closely and took in deep breaths...

Qin Li as usual used all his time on cultivation, he was about to reach the thin line between sub-realms and was pushing himself. He still found time in the evenings to join the others for dinner but that was it as far his outdoor activities went during this break. This was the fifth day they had spent in the Pembroke province and within the next two days they would leave and head north towards the Wawrika province. The attack from the Hung clan had not come and Hartley was hoping to be long gone before the two sides clashed.

On the seventh morning The trio came downstairs in the inn, Zhi Ruo was wearing an elegant all white dress which flowed all the way down to her ankles, Hartley and Qin Li both wore thick brand new black robes with golden embroidery. Even though Qin Li had not been around the town shopping, Ruo had bought plenty clothes for the boys. Her hair was loose and flowed down to her shoulders, a stark contrast between the lily white dress and flame red hair. Hartley returned the keys to the shriveled white haired man at the desk. He was disappointed to see them leave and went into a soliloquy about nobles taking responsibilities and not abandoning the common people.

Hartley sighed and listened to the last lecture of an old man, it was likely that he would not see the man again. After the old timer finished Hartley bowed from the waist and cupped his fist respectfully and said "Thanks for the wise words inn keeper" The old man smiled and nodded, satisfied that he had imparted enough knowledge to the youths today. Out side the inn Qin Li signaled the stable boys to bring the carriage around.

The carriage rumbled out, The dark polished wood was gleaming in the sunshine, the intricate carvings on the side panels could once again be seen in all its splendor. There was not a particle of dust on the vehicle, even the wheels which were banged and battered on the rough roads towards the Pembroke province were now smooth and the rubber lining on the wheels replaced. Hartley was impressed. Qin Li had paid the stable boys to take care of it. He too was satisfied with their effort, he paid them and they left with bright happy faces.

They finished double checking everything and was about to leave, surprise..surprise, the rambling sounds of hoofs came from the distance and heading towards the commercial district. Hartley put his palm to his face, if not for the old man's lecture they might have made it out..sigh.. no use crying over spilled milk.

"Get out the way you gawping peasants" a man led twenty armored soldiers on horse back as he lashed out at the pedestrians. Chaos ensued as every one on the streets were ducking for cover, and ran inside the open shops. The man with his face under a bright silver helmet with a nose guard running down the top of the helmet to the end of his nose bridge smiled a proud toothy grin as he witnessed all the crowd disperse in frantic panic.

The twenty man squad slowed down their horses to a trot. as they made their way proudly up the main road like peacocks unimpeded. Hartley, Qin Li and Zhi Ruo stood beside the beautiful carriage expecting the men to pass and head further on their way. Halt! the man held his right fist up to the sky and all the horses behind him came to a sudden stop. "You lawless scums" the man pointed in the direction of the carriage. "You are supporting the bandits of the Tiger mercenary guild and your punishment for such disregard of law and order shall be severe. The benefits you have reaped shall be returned ten folds."

"You, you and you arrest them!" the men chosen for the easy task of rounding up three nobles slid from their saddles and marched forward leaving the clanking sounds of heavy armor resonating on cobble stones through the now empty streets. Swords drawn and faces hidden under shiny helmets, they callously approached the three. One of the men eyed up Zhi Ruo lasciviously and increased his pace so he could have first choice of prisoners.

The man intended to man handle Zhi Ruo and get his quirks in before the others.

Hartley was just about to put an end to the whole fracas by teaching these three a lesson in pain, when a ghost like figure swept pass him with two black blades drawn. The hems of her long white dress fluttered over the ground like the wings of a humming bird. With her feet hidden under the hem of her long dress she moved as if she was sliding across a frozen plain of ice.

The soldier who had taken the lead eyes widened in delight, this was perfect. In apprehending her, he was planning on putting his hands in places eyes couldn't see, When Zhi Ruo was in range he tried to grab her with his left free hand which bore a shiny silver gauntlet. Tap, tap tap..Three quick steps and Zhi Ruo smoothly glided pass the man's left hand like smoke in the wind and fluidly transitioned into a high horizontal blade slash with her right hand. The black blade blurred and her slash slammed into the helmet on the mans head with

and explosion of sparks under the bright sunlight sending him flying to the side and he rolled on the floor for another five meters.

The shiny helmet twisted to the side on the man's head resulting in the nose guard biting deep down into the bridge of his nose which sent blood running down the front of his face, he howled out in pain and rolled around a little more trying to dislodge the helmet's nose guard from deep in his nose.