Qin Li comes clean

Winds howled over the sparsely vegetated lands. Flecks of white snow danced through the air, accumulating on the floor and creating a white blanket thrown over the landscape. A scar face man stood on the crest of a Hill, the cold wind rippling his robes as he looked out over the long road to the Wawrika province. "Is that him?" a hazy cloaked dark figure asked. The cloaked man shimmered in darkness, wreaking in the aura of death. The scar face man answered "yes, he caused quite a stir in the Pembroke province". "He's such a thorn, can you take him?" asked the cloaked man. The blustery winds howled as the scar face man took time to think. "Maybe fifty fifty." "Hmm" the dark cloaked man groaned then disappeared.

A layer of snow clung to the carriage rumbling down the now white surface of the road, leaving two wheel tracks crawling behind it for a two or three meters before being flawlessly covered again after a few minutes. In the dreary grey day, the trio riding on board was now just hours away from the Wawrika province, for Zhi Ruo who was sat next to Hartley wrapped in layers and layers of thick fur, they couldn't reach fast enough. The cold didn't bother Hartley and Qin LI who were in the xiantian realm but Zhi Ruo, who had in the past month made it to the peak of the houtian realm could feel it down to her bones.

After leaving the Pembroke province they were chased by a group of revenge crazed Hung clan members, they had to give up on that idea real quick after coming into contact with the merciless wrath of Hartley once more.... Unknowingly Hartley had rendered great help to the Tiger Mercenary Guild, they secured the gold mines from the weakened Hung clan. Xiaou Xie the vice captain of the guild heard the reports and made a mental note of the three nobles with unbelievable bad table manners that he had met at the restaurant.

Hartley now could not ignore the relationship between him an Qin Li any longer, there was still a tinge of mistrust in his soul but he had come to respect Qin Li even more. He had driven the carriage diligently through the rain and snow without a peep of complaint, that made Hartley a bit torn in his heart. Was he being paranoid? His instinct!..he had to trust his instinct, it was what got him this far. Why would Qin Li who was a xiantian expert sacrifice so much cultivation time for no apparent gain, it felt a little suspicious.

The high wall of the Wawrika province appeared in view, the snow covered wall stood around 20 meters high and ran off into the distance giving the illusion of the wall blending into the background of white. From the ground the smoke-like condensation of the on duty guards breathing could be seen high in the Guard Towers dotted at regular intervals along the wall.

The carriage pulled up to the large gates of the province and were received by guards in thick white hooded fur robes matched with shin high boots , gloves and a piece of fabric that protected the bottom half of their faces. Again the few people present outside in this kind of weather who were impatiently waiting to re-enter the province were moved to the side by guards to make way for the carriage.

The men politely exchanged pleasantries with Qin li, who at this point had snow flakes clinging onto his facial hairs forming small icicles stretching downwards. The guard collected the entry fee of Three golds and ushered them through the gate and into the province.

A majestic panorama of snow covered buildings of all sizes spread out in every direction, the landscape was an overwhelming sight, this was different from every other province Hartley had visited thus far, roads spilled out in every direction like noodles thrown on the floor, littered with private carriages and wagons moving in and out the maze of frozen roads. This was the most developed province Hartley had ever seen. This was the central region of Aidonia, the further north one headed in the country the more developed it was. Nobles who were assigned lands in places like the Waltham province considered it more like banishment. The more influential Counts Dukes Marquis and Viscounts all had their bases in the north of the country.

They asked around and located an inn amidst a cluster of buildings, space was a premium in this part of town. The buildings were crammed together leaving small alley ways that could not fit a carriage. The quaint three story building flanked by smaller shops on both sides gave one the impression of a stone box divided in three parts.

Zhi Ruo let out an audible sigh of comfort when they entered and the warmth from the prominent fireplace crackling in the left side of the first floor, washed over her pale skin, wiping their feet on a raggedy old door mat to get rid of the snow clinging to their boots, they made their way in.

Hours Later...

They had as usual two rooms on the third floor, Zhi Ruo was now fast asleep wrapped from head to toe in thick furs on a soft feather bed.

Hartley smiled and left.

He knocked on Qin li's door across the hall and was invited in immediately. A streak of yellow light from the lamps in the hall invaded the dark room through the open door and ran across half of Qin Li who sat crossed legged on his bed when Hartley entered.

He stood there staring at Qin Li before asking "Qin Li, why are you here?"

Qin Li returned Hartley's stare with emotionless eyes. "What are you talking about? This inn?"

"Don't act stupid."

Hartley looked around and located a chair in the corner of the room next to an old table. Hartley sat down, looked straight at Qin Li and continued.

"Sometimes when you see something that looks like a fish and smells like a fish and guess what? its flapping around like a fish. It might just be a fish" Hartley stated as if he was now a wise old teacher who had seen the world many times over.

"So who's the fish?" asked Qin LI.

Hartley smiled "You! It strikes me odd that someone who started out as a servant disciple in a foreign clan and worked his way all the way up to become a xiantian expert through pain staking dedication, just ups and throws it away to become a lowly carriage driver, sacrificing all that hard work.."

Hartley stopped and looked at Qin Li with a serious expression.

"The funny thing is after observing, you are still as dedicated as ever to cultivation, which means you did not actually abandon your cultivation, so that begs the question: Why?"

Qin Li replied "I wanted to break the shackles of my upbringing and change my fate is that such a bad thing?'

Hartley mood changed immediately he had no more use for subtle word games right now.

"You turning on up the eve of my departure was suspicious enough but now we are in the central regions of the country, the stakes from here on are going to be high. I will not continue on with someone I don't trust, I was waiting for you to break and get tired of driving that carriage through all types of weather. I am impressed with your dedication towards your mission, but now this is where we part ways either as friends or enemies its your choice."

Qin Li flashed a nervous smile. "Its not what you think, I'm not on a mission" he paused, noticing Hartleys furrowed brows, he continued.

" After the mission in the Cosmos region, I was elated I got a bunch of clan points and had obtained more resources that I could ever have earned in five years, it was odd because the amount I got was way more than I was suppose to. Then Some higher ups in the clan who I have never seen before came to me and told me you were special and the future of the clan depends on you, because I have been so loyal to the clan the resources was for me to cultivate and accompany you on your journey through the country, my instructions was to just be a good friend to you. That's it...Just be a good friend."

"Patriarch Lou" Hartley murmured to himself, why was it so important for them to anchor him to the clan he wondered. This was a ploy to somewhat ensure that Hartley would not turn his wrath onto the clan in the future but why did the Patriarch who was a half step saint think it so important to maintain some sort of influence over him. The gears in Hartley's mind was working overtime but he still could not figure it. He pushed the thoughts away and asked "Then are you?" "Yes, but not because I was instructed to, but because you saved my life twice. I will always show loyalty and gratitude towards those who have shown kindness to me."

Hartley was a good judge of people and could tell Qin Li was being sincere. He left the room with a head full of questions.