
Soon the banquet was over and the crowd turned their attention to the exchange of pointers between the future generation.

On the surface all three prominent countries had a peaceful existence, but their paper-thin harmony was predicated on strength, behind the scenes the countries were locked in a brutal struggle to control the numerous resource-filled smaller affiliate countries.

The more affiliate countries one controlled, the more resources, wealth and man-power that country would gain and eventually rise to be in a the dominant position among the three.

These friendly matches were used to gauge the competence for the future generation of each country, sure enough a handsome blonde youth about seventeen strutted out from the Buju section.

He stared at Zhi Ruo winking cheekily as he walked over to the table and stood in front of Hartley, he bowed formally in front of Hartley then said, "please guide me fellow brother."

"No need, you're too weak, maybe in ten years time we can exchange some pointers."

Hartley waved away the youth as if chasing away a fly, Zhi Ruo cuddled up beside Hartley and giggled cutely at his words.

This predictable made the youth explode in embarrassment for being looked down on.

"How dare you talk to me like that you coward! if you have no stomach to fight then admit it in front of this beauty and this crowd filled with your fellow countrymen."

Hartley paid no mind to the childish tantrum as he placed his elbows on the table and cupped his palms under his chin looking at the youth in boredom, the youth was barely a 2nd layer xiantian, he was barely qualified to shine one of Hartley's swords.

Even though they were all of similar age; Hartley felt these young lords were like cubs scratching around in the safety of a cage.

Hartley saw himself as a lion who had been on a blood stained journey to the pinnacle of a jungle when compared to them.

The blonde youth's face got redder than a tomato as he continued to throw insults.

Discussions quickly broke out in the hall, and people were staring at Hartley thinking he was just a pretty boy who dared not fight.

Some people were even starting to feel a bit embarrassed for the handsome youth sat beside the commander.

The elders sat at the table beside Commander Genk were looking at him side-eyed, wondering if the commander had brought a pretty flower up to sit at the table of esteemed and decorated officials.

A tall skinny youth from Sasko with an unremarkable face, stood up laughing as he mocked the blonde youth who was still spouting a tirade of insults.

"Since that guy from Buju was too weak how about we exchange some pointers?"

The youth was proudly about to step forward when he got the same answer in the same manner, all his laughter turned to a frown and he too went on a tirade of insults.

The youths of Aidonia sat in the lower sections, who were equally as arrogant as these visitors, stared at Hartley in ridicule, the exchange of pointers they were looking forward to was ruined.

It was a chance for these youths to announce themselves as the best the country had to offer, but because Hartley was in the company of the strikingly beautiful red hair girl and the commander, he seemed to have garnered all the attention from the opposing youths.

Five people had marched out to challenge one after the other and they were all refused by Hartley who sat looking bored.

The arrogant youths who thought themselves to be the best of the best, had misconstrued Hartley's action as him avoiding a confrontation at all costs.

They seemed hell-bent on challenging the handsome youth, they all wanted the glory of thrashing the weak looking youth in front of the stunning beauty that was by his side, and slapping the face of one of Aidonia's commanders at the same time.

This was an easy opportunity to cement themselves as a future powerhouse, how could they let it slip by?

At this point even commander Genk was looking at Hartley sideways, Hartley knew the man had invited him to the banquet in good faith, he didn't want the commander to lose face in front of the other officials, he sighed.

"Since you guys want to drop a boulder on you own feet you can come one by one or all together."

Clamor broke out in the hall as Hartley said these arrogant words, stood up and straightened his robe, then walked out onto the make-shift battle stage erected in the middle of the hall.

The outraged youths were like hungry wolves smelling an easy prey but their arrogance wouldn't let them come together.

The blonde youth who was first refused, stomped onto the circular battle stage that was only about 15 meters in length, eyes red with rage he didn't even bother with his former pleasantries, he just rushed straight at Hartley...


The youth flew of the stage squealing like a pig.


Another youth came up and went flying.


One more went flying into the crowd...

The crowd erupted in surprised and energetic discussions.

"The handsome youth really was strong."

"He was trying to save some face for our guests but they insisted on smacking their own faces."

Some people began to talk loudly with pride and excitement. All the youths who were about to step forward had grim faces and chose to stand in place.

If they chose to go up there and face that monster after what they had just witnessed, they truly would have no brain cells left in their head.

Hartley had blown the competition away in one fell swoop.

With sudden, fierce effortless punches and even looked bored during the process. Soon no one dared to step forward, Hartley was about to leave the stage.

He looked at the contingent of youths sprawled and nursing injuries and shook his head in derision as if he had regretted lowering himself to even mingle with these children.


Someone shouted, Hartley looked around to see a young man about twenty five, he was from Sasko and was wearing a blue robe as his dark eyes flickered cunningly.

Sporting a fake smile he walked up to the stage and bowed formally.

"Even though I am not from the younger generation I would love to exchange pointers with you since you haven't been tested so far."

Hartley looked over to commander Genk and he nodded, indicating it was ok.

Hartley then nodded at the man....

Stood ten meters away from Hartley, flames gushed out of the young man like a phoenix, Hartley could feel an intense killing intent radiating on the stage as soon as the man made his move.

It seems like this guy wanted to eliminate a future powerhouse in his infancy, Hartley's eyes squinted in seriousness.

The man was only a 5th layer xanthian so he was no threat but the mere fact that he intended to kill Hartley was enough to enrage him. The fire element swirled around the man's body making the temperature rise drastically in the hall.

Onlookers at the front took a step back, the yellow flames congealed on the man's palms then extended half a meter outwards in a roiling sword-like manner, giving off bright glaring yellow lights that caused some in the hall to squint.

He then raced across the small stage leaving yellow flame-like after images.

Once in range he slashed down with a overhead strike from high-right to low-left, the path of the flame-sword seem to burn the air itself as there was a loud sizzling sound when it approached Hartley who hadn't moved from his original spot.

Hartley engaged advanced state of focus and then used his advanced minute movement technique.

Taking one short step backwards and two quick steps to the left, he dashed forward again as his body blurred, delivering a bone-crunching punch that pounded onto the right side of the young man, it was like a hammer coming down full force against scrap metal sitting on an anvil.

The flame-sword disappeared with a sudden flash of light and fire element in the surroundings evaporated like a puff of smoke, all the heat suddenly disappeared from the hall.

The man puked out a bucket-full of blood and screamed out like a cat getting its tale stepped on as he flew off the stage landing in front of the delegates from Sasko with a thud, kicking up a puff of dust like a sack of potatoes.

If an x-ray was available, it would show that the man's right sided ribs down to the right side of his pelvis were now shattered to powder. He made a few more wailing screams which echoed in the now shocked and quiet hall before passing out.

The elder who checked the young man's body scrunched his face and gritted his teeth in anger.

On the continent of Aldora someone who could reach the 5th layer of the xanthian realm at the age of twenty five was considered and absolute genius among their piers and was bound to become a pillar of strength for their country.

The young man laid out before the elder was now obviously crippled, this was a big loss, it was a disaster, the elder was responsible for this group of youths but after seeing Hartley's performance he was shocked speechless, he had then encouraged the young man to challenge and kill Hartley before the youth became a powerful cultivator they would have to deal with in the future.

The elder blinked out of sight in a split second...

Reappearing right in front of Harltey with his palm extended and glowing with a dull brown color, his hand seemed to have become the size of a basketball as wind swirled and fluttered Hartley's black robe.

Everyone's mouth was open in shock as they watched the unusual scene.

Commander Genk's huge body bowled over the table, sending it screeching across the floor as he made a desperate attempt to intercept.

Zhi Ruo danced away elegantly from the table that scattered all the content resting on its surface.

Chaos ensued with bowls and utensils flying everywhere, the other scrambling elders also maneuvered out of harm's way neatly, quickly turning their attention to the stage, but it was already too late.

Commander Genk couldn't save Hartley.....

The next thing everyone in the hall saw, seemed to defy logic...

It was Hartley who was punching the elder who had sneaked attacked him.

There was a single pulse of strobing blue light like the flash of a camera, the elder was sent stumbling back five paces on the battle stage.

He managed to stay on his feet as he forcefully swallowed down the blood that had climbed up into his throat.

Hartley smiled then cupped his hands and made a formal bow towards the elder. "Elder, I didn't know you also wanted to exchange pointers with the younger generation."

Hartley's voice sounded out clearly around the quiet hall, he then turned to face the shocked faces in the hall.

"Commander Genk thanks for bringing me to this banquet so I could meet people from other countries to broaden my horizons and experience the thick-faced shamelessness practiced abroad."

The flustered commander Genk who had knocked over a table was standing and staring slack jawed like everyone else.

The elder on the battle stage grabbed his chest with his right hand and gave a painful and embarrassed expression.

"This child has no respect for his elders and is too vicious, I was merely trying to teach him a lesson. How are you going to punish him?" The furious elder roared at the commander.

Commander Genk recovered quickly, he put his robust arms behind his back and answered.

"Elder Langzu this was the exchange of pointers for the younger generation and yet there you are standing in the middle of the stage, right after one who also wasn't of the younger generation had challenged and lost," he shrugged helplessly.

"What can I do? everyone's got two eyes to see and form their own opinion."

It was a subtle suggestion by commander Genk to everyone present, that..... even after the two people went on stage to bully someone of the younger generation....

They couldn't....

Even as vicious as their intentions were....

They had still lost face....

Now that they knew they couldn't harm the youth, they wanted to borrow the strength of others to punish the youth...

It was utter shamelessness!

Elder Langzu turned around in fury, his skin would have to be thicker than the heel of an elephant for him to push this matter any further, he flashed to the table he was sat at, gathered up the injured young man and marched towards the exit along with the rest of his depressed gloomy-looking group.

Before he left he glanced back over his shoulder and gave Hartley a vicious stare then disappearing into the night.

The quiet hall then erupted in raucous discussions, was this the birth of a future powerhouse for the country of Aidonia?