The barren lands In the East

"You know you've caught the attention of several saints don't you?"

Kang asked a rhetorical question with a toothy grin as he shifted in his seat trying to find the most comfortable position, then he quickly added.

"Not just from Aidonia either, even saints from Sasko are interested in you, but for some reason those guys from Sasko tend to all despise you to the core."

Kang ended his statement with his trademark giggle, finally finding comfort, he leaned back in his cushioned chair turning his head toward the ceiling and releasing his amusement with a satisfied smile.

Hartley took a sip of the fruit wine in his mug, the deep red liquid sloshed and glistened, sparkling with the reflections of the natural evening light spreading across the room from the curtain-less high windows.

Raising his head with a smug conceited smile Hartley answered, "I can't imagine why they wouldn't like me, I've only had three or four run-ins with their citizens."

Both men broke into laughter simultaneously.

They sat in the comforts of the open plan lounge on the second floor of Hartley's manor, there was a variety of furniture scattered around.

The center-piece of the room, which was the fireplace built into the main column, remained unlit with smattering of unused coal.

Shadows grew long in the dwindling sunlight of the late evening. The ambient sounds of the men toiling had gone quiet. Most in the western hills had finished their daily tasks and were headed back to the lively residential district.

Across from Hartley Kang displayed his usual expressive array of vibrant emotions, one second he was staunched with seriousness like a judge handing down an execution order, the next he was guffawing with laughter like a school boy talking of naughty things.

"Some think that I'm behind the quick rise of you and the western hills," said Kang after a lull in the conversation.

With a mischievous face he took a sip of the white content in his cup then placed it gently on the wooden table dividing the two men in the empty lounge.

"Apparently I'm an expert weapon-smith providing you and your troops with almighty secret weapons."

Kang smiled at Hartley, reached out and took the cup again, then began swirling the milk around in a practiced child-like manner.

"I've had some lucky encounters, thats all." Hartley said with a sheepish smile."

He then leaned forward bowing his head slightly in a show of gratitude.

"Without your protection and guidance at that time in the Cassia province it might not have been this way."

Kang waved him off in dismissal as usual, amused at the humility of the youth who reminded him so much of his younger brother.

In another sudden change of demeanor Kang sat up straight in his chair, this time with a stern and serious expression, all his previous mirth and immaturity dissolved away like glucose submerged in water.

"Others only see your age or status, I see your talents..... and your talent transcends this mortal plaine."

Hartley felt guilt riddle his stomach, his so called talent was a chance encounter with the blue star fragment and his origins were partly not of this mortal plain, Hartley sat uncomfortable hearing the words of praise from his mentor and father-figure but didn't interupt.

After a short pause for effect, satisfied with the look on Hartley's face Kang continued.

"I must remind you though, King Yulan's second attempt at ascending the mortal plain is not far away. If he succeeds, things will change drastically. I know how talented you are, but you might not be given the time you need to break into sainthood if that happens. I once promised to tell you about the origins of spellweaving and my brother's adventure. Now you are strong enough to hear that story, since you've defeated a saint I think you're ready."

Hartley's face brightened with anticipation, back then a demonstration of simple spellweaving by Kang had left him speechless.

Recently his cultivation had stagnated. The gains from his cultivation since reaching the ninth layer of the xiantian realm had been frustratingly minimal, sometimes a bit of external inspiration wasn't a bad thing.

Kang dipped into the inside pocket of his robe, retrieved an ancient looking map drawn on beast skin, unfurled it and placed it on the table between them.

"You've heard of the the beast-men tribes in the barren lands of the east?"

Hartley nodded his head in an affirmative answer.

"According to my brother the barren lands are not as barren as you would believe, The beast-men tribes are only the guardian's of the entry to a pocket dimension. In that dimension a world similar to ours once existed.

A whole year there is said to be the equivalent to a day on the Aldora continent...

In that place there was once a civilisation with a history spanning billions of years. They supposedly invented spellweaving and taught it to the beast-men and in return the beast-men have stayed and protected the barren lands for countless generations."

Hartley gasped, with wide eyes he leaned forward in his chair rapt at attention itching to ask a few questions.

Kang raised his hand with an open palm quelling Hartley's enthusiasm before continuing.

"The Details my brother provided are sketchy at best, there might still be some remnants of that old civilisation living within that dimension. I have no idea, never have I heard anyone mention this great civilisation apart from my brother."

"I've once searched for that dimension myself, my brother said finding the dimension entrance was the easy part. I didn't even manage that. With age my appetite for adventures have lessened. Now I hand one of the l last things my brother left me over to you."

Kang passed the map to Hartley who received it with reverence and thanks. He inspected the map of the barren lands which had a simple x deep to the south.

"My brother drew this map and recorded the entry to that dimension, if you could somehow find it I am confident you would have all the time needed to break into sainthood quickly in terms of Aldoran time and be the second to return from that dimension, but be aware that many have crusaded into the barren lands trying to eradicate the beast-men and up till this day none have succeeded."

Sat alone in the lounge the two men drank, talked and laughed like old aquaintaces reunited at long last.

Their meeting lasted until darkness crept up and covered the western hills. Having had his fill, Hartley personally escorted Kang out of the manor.

After exchanging goodbyes Kang stepped out and melted into the darkness, disappearing from sight as if he were a part of the night.


A week went by as usual in the western hills. Hartley awoke to the melodic chirpings of a few birds outside his window, the first rays of autumn sunshine were poking through gaps in the closed curtains, colouring a corner of the room with a dull golden glow.

Hartley silently pulled himself up and sat at the end of his bed, trying not to awake the red haired goddess still laid sleeping on the other side of his bed.

Suddenly the Zhi Ruo who was supposed to be sleeping shuffled out of the sheets as if she had been laying in wait.

With lively eyes signifying she had been awake even before Hartley, she walked around the bed elegantly and stood directly facing the sitting Hartley.

What are you planning? She asked akimbo with squinted eyes, making an intimidating expression while she eyed him with suspicion.

Hartley stayed quiet with contemplation as he stared straight ahead, eyes barely in focus.

How was he supposed to break it to her? For the last few months they had hardly spent much time together, with her tutoring the youngsters and him overseeing so many projects, their relationship had grinded to a halt.

He felt guilty having to leave her behind and embark on another adventure so soon.

With no answer forthcoming Zhi Ruo came a step closer, eyes into slits, she slowly asked again, "Lou Hartley what are you planning?"

She only used Hartley's full name when she was really annoyed and about to lose her temper.

Hartley knew this too well, he stammered out a response. "Wha.. What do you mean?"

She snorted while staring intensely at her husband.

"Don't act dumb, you're the smartest man I know. Ever since Kang' s visit you've been planning something, I want to know what it is."

A defeated Hartley exhaled like a balloon losing air.

"Kang told me about a place where..."

"I'm coming," she interjected without listening to the rest of Hartley's answer.

"No, no it's too dangerous Ruo," a flustered Hartley waved his hands around comically and tried to explain further.

Zhi Ruo came even closer and stooped in to meet his eyes, Hartley could feel her warm breath on his face as her chest heaved up and down in agitation, her twin peaks visible through her thin night robe.

"Are you coming back," she asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"Then I'm coming." She stated.

Leaving Hartley no room for further negotiations.