Day of Ascension

"Today is the day...a day that will potentially shape and decide the future path of our country, we have to be prepared and adaptable. Only then can we put ourselves in the best position to reap the most benefits."

The gruff raspy voice of an elderly man spoke.

His serious gaze focused on the blurry white-capped mountains ahead in the distance.

Snowflakes fluttered down gently, landing on his hair and shoulders like butterflies swarming to a flower.

The white hair man was sat atop his warhorse with his back straight, showcasing his perfect posture as the black horse trotted forward at a slow, careful pace over the abundant loose stones out here in the wilderness.

He was dressed in a majestic white fur-coat that was almost dragging on the ground.

To his left was a middle aged man, dressed rather more conservatively, wearing a traditional black fur-coat, riding a similarly stunning black warhorse, both horses moved in step on the stony path.

Innumerable flakes of snow floated down from the overcast sky, partially obscuring visibility and landing on the ground in rapid succession, creating a frigid blanket of white over everything.

The two men continued their conversation in hushed tones, their coats draped tight around their necks guarding against the cold blustering wind.

"Yes I understand," the man donning the black coat replied solemnly with a nod of his head, shaking loose a few snowflakes from his hair, before continuing.

"If King Yulan succeeds today, we have to move our forces immediately. Securing our interests quickly is most important. We could increase our standing in the capital overnight with a little luck."

The clopping footsteps of their mounts crunched through the freshly fallen snow as they moved down the narrow road side by side, leaving two lines of hoof prints trailing behind.

They were heading for a patch of snow-covered land in the middle of nowhere.

On any other day this desolate patch of land would be the domain of wild animals, but today, many clamoured to this snow-covered wilderness in anticipation of an epic event.

People were gathering at this secluded location just north of the capital, eager to witness King Yulan's second attempt at ascending from the mortal plane.

Many high standing nobles had come to witness the change of an era and the passing of the guard. While others were there just to confirm the King's success or failure.

People continued to trickle in slowly, most taking care to be quiet and inconspicuous.

Only the bravest and most confident of men would walk in the limelight at this point, without strong backing one would only be drawing the ire of the unknown forces lurking in the shadows.

As the two elderly men continued forward leisurely engrossed in their conversation, the narrow road they'd been traveling on, fed into the foot of the snow-covered mountain.

They emerged into a flat rocky plane blanketed in white that spanned about 5 kilometres, frozen foliage were scattered among the rocks that were everywhere.

Immediately they caught sight of a group cutting across their path.

Both men instinctively pulled back the reins on their horses, bringing the beasts to a sudden halt.

A contingent dressed in stylish robes strutted across their path like they had no insecurities or cares. Giving the old men pause for thought.

The passing group didn't seem to even consider the cold, not one had opted for a fur coat.

Hoods up, faces shrouded, they walked casually to the west, looking for a spot to watch things unfold.

Bursts of smoke-like condensation sprayed from the spooked horses' nostrils like steam, the beasts whinnied aloud in agitation, almost unseating their experienced riders.

The two disgruntled men looked at each other as they tried to gain control over their unsettled mounts, then at the passing group in silence, knowing only people in the xantian realm could be so casually dressed in this weather.

They tried to calm the rattled horses by whispering consoling words and patting the beasts' necks gently.

The two mounted men did not want to cause a ruckus and draw attention to themselves in these circumstances, but they took careful note of these people sporting a black bear insignia embroidered boldly into their robes.

Inquisitive looks and scattered murmurs of whispering erupted among the people present, most were nobles who had personally come to brave the morning's cold and see off the king.

Soon the brash contingent were identified by the bear insignia embroidered on their attire, they were the representatives of a noble who had recently risen to prominence in the Western hills.


Hartley's steps were nimble across the snow, taking no notice of the commotion his group had stirred, in fact this was House Hartley announcing themselves to the wider public.

He led the group towards a secluded area to hunker down and watch the attempt at ascension by the king, he was very keen to see the process.

The experts among the crowd noticed that even with the heavy downpour of snow, not a single snowflake fell on anyone in Hartley's group.

That alone was reason for the hidden experts to be wary.

A group of boisterous nobles were comfortably sitting under a gazebo two hundred meters away.

They watched the commotion as the new group made their entry into the area.

Talking, laughing, and eating snacks while taking shelter from the snow.

A small fire was lit and about a dozen fully armoured men were huddled around keeping their fingers warm.

A few xantians stood outside with serious expressions. Flexing their combat power for all to see and take heed.

When the whispers seemed to confirm the identity and affiliation of the newcomers, the blonde young man sat in the middle looked at Hartley's group disdainfully. He had thought this group to be heavy hitters in the capital, turns out they were only so-so.

"When did the kingdom sink to this level of mediocrity, even back-bush nobles are strutting around like peacocks these days. Aren't these the coal-mongers of the western hills? How embarrassing for a mighty country. Do you see this Ji Lang? Preposterous!"

The man's vulgarity was on full display as he didn't even attempt to lower his voice. Talking to his bodyguard and the other people beside him, while rudely pointing at the group of four. His vitriol laid bare for all to hear.

The four representatives from the western hills came to a stop immediately, without any discussion one peeled away from the group and headed towards the gazebo.

Three xantians guarding outside stepped forward to protect the vulgar noble, smiling as the person wearing a grey robe approached.

"Break his legs!," the vulgar noble shouted while laughing and sitting comfortably.

The three xantians rushed out across the snow like lightening. No doubt eager to demonstrate their power to the other gathering nobles.

A few seconds later there was a huge bang, shaking the loose snow from the many rocks dotted around the outcropping, and sending a few mid-sized boulders sliding down towards the gathered crowd, who chaotically ran for cover to avoid any injuries.

The Displaced snow laying on the ground between the grey figure and the three attackers was whipped up like a strong bluster of wind.

The powdery snow whirled up two metres high, creating a white screen, blinding everyone for a second before it settled again, followed by complete silence.

The person in the grey hooded robe was standing on the same spot, while the three xantian challengers had disappeared from view.

Mouths were agape, gasps echoed out, everyone looked around curiously for any sign of the three while discussing the quick encounter with interest.

Onlookers finally located the three in a sorry state, twenty meters away they were sprawled in the snow among some sharp rocks. No one could tell if they were breathing or not.

The talkative vulgar noble shivered like he was feeling the cold temperatures of his surroundings for the first time.

The cold breath of the wind seemed to slice through his thick fur-coat, sending tingles down his spine as if he was naked.

He climbed to his feet, pure fright etched across his face, showing grave concern with the situation at hand.

All the nobles around watched with great interest, evaluating the strength of the western hills for future reference.

Those three xantians who were dispatched so easily were 2nd layer experts, meaning the person in grey was at least in the 4th layer.

Many sucked in cold breaths looking at the rest of the group from the western hills who were nonchalantly waiting without worry. If they were all on this level, how strong would the western hills be?

The dozen armoured men were next, rushing out armed to the teeth with lethal intentions, their battle cries rose to the heavens...Only to be slapped aside like cannon fodder with a simple wave.

The lot sent clattering and clanging through the snow like scrap metal, unconscious bodies were strewn all over like spilled beans, leaving long lengths of trenches and trails scattered through the thickening snow.

"Ji Lang!" the vulgar noble uttered fearfully through chattering teeth. His eyes bulging as he called his personal bodyguard and 5th layer xantian expert to arms.

This was his final desperate line of defence.

The rest of his men and companions who were enjoying the drink and festivities with him a few minutes ago, were backing away slowly and disappearing like ghosts.

"You don't know who you've offended today," said the strapping Ji Lang, gritting his teeth as he glanced around at the people abandoning his young master.

He gripped his long sword tightly and strode forward with menace.

"Move aside and send him out, do not embarrass yourself." A melodic female voice was heard, belonging to the person in the grey robe who stood in the middle of the carnage, shocking everyone watching.

"Never!" came the response as Ji Lang rushed forward into immediate action. The sword slashing down at full force.

His sword flashed with the explosive yellow glow of a fire elemental, leaving a heated sizzle in the air as it came at the figure in grey.

She nonchalantly moved, displacing the loose snow laying on the ground, turning it to circular ripples as she disappeared with a puff of wind, sending white flakes spraying out in every direction.

In a blink she was by his side.

His sword landed with a massive boom, digging out an impressive crater in the frozen ground at her former position.

A flick of her index finger easily connected with the man's right elbow, he had left himself wide open for a counter.

The crunching cracks of his bone were heard loudly, his sword came loose from his grip clanging and ricocheting across the floor like a cymbal.

His right hand was left swinging uselessly from side to side like an old pendulum as he was staggered.

Eyes wide in disbelief, the screams of the 5th layer xantian expert chilled everyone, before he was slapped to the floor passing out instantly in an explosion of snow and dirt.

Hushed discussions broke out among the spectators again, some hardly believing their eyes.

Zhi Ruo stood on the spot, stretched out her finger at the vulgar noble and called him over.

"Come here."

The man looked around frantically trembling like a leaf on a windy day, his face turning a ghastly shade of purple.

"I'm... I'm," he stammered, struggling to even identity himself.

When he arrived shakily, Zhi Ruo said.

"Stand up straight with your chin up, I want to see how far across this plateau I can send you with just one slap."


A slap that left him momentarily deaf landed on his face, a shower of broken teeth and blood flew out of his mouth.

The vulgar blonde was thrown twenty five meters away. Instantly passing out after a dozen barrel rolls and landing among the frozen foliage.

"Trash!" Zhi Ruo declared with a harrumph before turning to leave.

She quickly made her way back to the group and they found a nice empty spot to watch.

Everyone looked on with wariness while keeping their distance, trying to estimate the strength of the other three in the group, making a mental note of the how formidable the western hills was.

The episode was quickly forgotten as more people gathered over a period of time.

A couple hours later there was a rumble through the air, shaking the ground. The power of saints could be felt as they flew overhead to land on the snow capped peak.

People at the the foot of the mountain could only see the silhouettes of the people on the peak through the swirling snow.

Hartley could make out the two princes and four saints.

There was another long wait before another person appeared from nowhere to join the rest. Hartley assumed this to be the King...