A plunge into the unknown

Splashes of sunshine peeped through the moving grey clouds. The light drizzle of rain coming down was almost invisible, until it caught the flickers of sunlight and twinkled like fire flies across the sky.

This spring evening was an overcast one, a clash between the rain and sun was taking place in the sky, and a clash between men would soon be taking place on the ground.

A figure hopped down from the black carriage, hitting the clay road with a hefty thud.

He was a man of average looks, sporting untidy dark hair touched with streaks of grey in many places.

Standing at 1.6 metres, the confident wiry man's eyes panned from left to right.

He adjusted his black robe with the swagger of royalty, wearing a look of utter disdain.

He stood waiting in silent anticipation. His carriage broadsided across two lanes behind him.

When Hartley stepped down from the carriage, a peculiar expression instantly played on his handsome face.

This man's confidence was supremely misplaced. He wasn't even a full saint. It was almost comedic.

Seeing how young and inexperienced Hartley looked, the man's confidence sky rocketed even more.

Hartley had to wonder if the princes assumed that all saints stayed stagnant in their cultivation at the first layer.

Were they aware of the astounding level of power saints like the lady in white wielded.

Two years ago, this half-saint would have been a god in his eyes, now the likes of people like these were insignificant to Hartley.

For anyone below the 4th layer in the saint realm, coming to find trouble with Hartley was like bringing canaries to a cat.

The man across from him couldn't even sense Hartley's level of strength. All he saw was a young man who couldn't possibly be as accomplished as himself.

He looked at Hartley with derision. Finding it beneath him to even introduce himself.

"Hand the commander over to me and be gone, be grateful too, because I'm only letting you off on account of your vague connection to Patriarch Zhang, otherwise."

The over confident man spoke dismissively.

A sputtering yellow flame rose from his right fist as he raised it slowly for Hartley to see, in a flash his whole arm was outlined in the fiery yellow glow, lathering the overcast evening with light in a show of force.

"Who do you think you are? Spurting such nonsense in front of me. Do you think I have to be shielded from the likes of you?"

The commander's voice sounded loud with rage, his massive frame thumped against the clay road, cracking its surface under his feet, the vibrations rocking the white carriage.

"Leave this to me Hartley." He said coldly, eyes trained on the man across from him, his massive sword appearing in his grasp.

Hartley sighed, knowing the commander had been sitting in an office for weeks without action. The man was sure to be riled.

Commander Genk was only in the eighth layer of xiantian realm, he wouldn't necessarily lose the battle, but it would be a hard battle of attrition.

Hartley wasn't in the mood to watch a drawn out fight.

Anguo Chen and Qin Li also hopped down from the carriage, ready to back up the commander if needed.

Hartley held up a fist to stop them from advancing, addressing the man blocking the road.

"You are an idiot spouting nonsense! You have no idea how dumb you're going look in a few minutes, I'm giving you one opportunity to move that carriage and disappear from our sights."

Hartley spoke to the man ten meters away in a soft cadence, not the least bit overbearing..

A cocky grin tugged at the corner of the man's lips, with a raised chin, he was about to retort with some slick words and brash bravado...

But, he didn't get that chance.


All he knew was that he was flying backwards, wind whistling by his ears, a harsh pain pulsing through his chest as he puked up a stream of blood.

Road, trees and sky spun wildly around him, making him dizzy with motion sickness.

He collided with the black carriage at such a speed that it exploded like a piñata full of debris, showering out pieces of splintered wood and dented metal.

A deafening clap of black energy burst to life for a split second, instantly erasing the two panicked wild beasts tethered to the carriage, along with half of the debris scattering in every direction.

He heard his voice releasing frantic screams, but couldn't remember uttering those screams, as if he was detached from his own body.

Then he landed in a ditch, hitting the ground like a bomb, detonating a choking blast of thick dust.

He continued rolling through the richly dense bushes for another twenty meters, coming to a stop unconscious, partially naked and half crippled.

Most of his clothing was shredded, floating through the air behind him like a swarm of moths, dark bits of the fabric gently landed on stalks of the green plants around his sprawled body.

The rural road returned to peaceful silence, the drizzling raindrops glinting as they fell through the struggling beams of sunlight.

One move! He only used one move!

It was a jaw-dropping scene, the commander stood stiffly, eyes bulging like saucers, his sword almost falling from his loosened grip.

He had seen Hartley's greatest performances in Tivoli, but this was on another level, if he blinked he would have missed it. Half-saints were now canon fodder in front of Hartley. He was now sure he'd made the right decision.

Anguo Chen and Qin Li were similarly shocked.

Hartley didn't use a lick of any power, that was all physical speed and force.

The boy must be a saint! Commander Genk thought inwardly.

Hartley's gleaming blue eyes panned to his left, he stared northwest at a ridge covered in flora, there was another half-saint waiting and watching. He was most likely a partner waiting in ambush.

Would he dare to show his face after such a demonstration of strength?

No! He was already moving at break neck speed in the opposite direction. Cutting a trail of destruction through the wilderness.

After that unscheduled disturbance, everyone got on the white carriage, ready to continue on.

The iron wheels and axel of the destroyed carriage, along with a slew of other debris, were still strewn across the road like the aftermath of a natural disaster.

As the white carriage approached, every single piece of debris floated up ten meters and hovered in place.

The beautiful carriage travelled under the debris-field like it was navigating through an asteroid belt, making its way unhindered towards the western hills.


There was a great uproar behind closed doors in the capital.

Hartley was the subject of numerous discussions happening in several camps.

He was confirmed as the saint of the western hills?

Some had doubts about the legitimacy of such mind boggling news. The reports of him crippling a half-saint with one move quickly brought them around.

Later on Kang made sure everyone knew Hartley had joined the alliance of saints.

The happiest people in the capital were the residents of the western hills, they lined the streets in carnival-styled celebration, a massive crowd gathered outside the main manor, laying flowers, singing folk songs and sending well wishes to their beloved ruling couple.

It was like the young lord of the western hills had broken through the surface of a lake, and was now soaring through the sky like a dragon.


Prince Jian was fuming, he flung a vase across his office, smashing it to pieces against the wall, the scholarly royal released a scream of frustration.

Commander Genk had defected to the western hills, he hadn't done it like a thief in the night either, he was blatantly escorted in a luxurious carriage through two whole provinces, in broad daylight.

It was a mighty slap to the face, as if Hartley wasn't even putting the prince in his eyes anymore.

With the backing of the alliance of saints, Hartley's status was almost on par with the prince's now. He wouldn't dare overtly make a move against a defender of the continent, putting himself in a compromising position, but there were always other ways.

Certain members in the eldest prince's camp remembered clearly the words of Song Zemin, he had warned of the boy's potential a long time ago, those words ignored, had come to pass.

Requests for meetings from nobles and the princes' representatives flooded into the western hills over the following days.

Diplomacy was the best option for now, coaxing Hartley into an alliance would swing the balance of power across the country.


A new dawn brought blue skies over the western hills, a mass of falling blossoms swirled through the air like showers of colour, accentuated by soft sunshine, the parade of blossoms traveled around at random in the grasp of the gentle wind.

A pink cherry blossom sailing on a light current, glided through the window of the manor, falling unnoticed on Commander Genk's shoulder.

Crisp sunshine invaded the second floor lounge, seeping through its high windows in gleaming golden streaks.

"Shao Law, how are we with the new recruits, can we promote the second batch?"

Hartley asked the young man sat at the far end of the room.

"Yes my lord, they are also close friends from the crime guild, but after these four, I'm not sure."

Hartley nodded, loyalty could never be guaranteed, that's why he took great pride in his own personal strength.

It was the morning meeting in the western hills, Commander Genk and Anguo Chen were sat in the middle of the room watching the proceedings.

Most were familiar with the pair, but Hartley still introduced the two as the newest members of the western hills armed forces.

Alrick made his report next, handing a list of supplies needed for his experiments, quickly hustling out of the lounge to get back to his work in the lab.

The next report came from Fu Qian, he had increased security personnel and patrols, with strict orders to look out for spies.

One by one everyone made their reports.


Later that day a representative from Prince Jian came by.

It was another person Hartley had seen before. Tall and skinny, the white hair man had the look of an experienced warrior, carrying himself with a calm and confident demeanour.

He was the one who had broken up a fight between Hartley and the delegates from Sasko at the negotiations for the gem stone mines in Tivoli.

His name was Elder Xialong.

Back then he had left a good impression. Commander Genk still showed him the utmost respect when they met.

In the end as a favour to the humble old man, Hartley agreed to a meeting with the young prince in two weeks.


Crick! The commander walked through a branch stretching into his path, his sturdy frame snapping the twig without him even noticing.

Four people trodded through thick undergrowth, headed deep into the east forest of the western hills.

Hartley, Qin Li, Zhi Ruo and Commander Genk easily navigated the terrain on foot, before long a fifth person joined the group, materialising out of nowhere, catching everyone off guard.

Commander Genk's new sword immediately appeared in his hands as he warily sized up the newcomer, it was another massive great sword, swirling white calligraphic patterns ran the length of the broad silver blade, this was his newly acquired sword made from white iron, a rank 6 spirit weapon.

Patriarch Zhang workmanship was superb, the sword the size of a door glinted like a sparkling gem in the daylight.

"Nice sword," Kang, the newcomer appraised.

Hartley smiled at the commander, "he's the one we're meeting all the way out here."

Everyone bowed politely and greeted Kang, leaving the commander scratching his head in embarrassment, soon they were all introduced and of course the commander was familiar with Kang's reputation throughout the capital.

It was time for that favour from Kang.

"Are you sure about this?" Kang asked seriously asked.

"With your permission elder." Hartley replied.

Kang waved him off, "this is your decision, who you bring is up to you."

As everyone stood puzzled, Kang waved his hand, opening up a rift as wide as a double door.

The unstable portal swirled and alternated between dark gray and pitch black, like a flickering light bulb about to burn out.

Static noises hissed out constantly from the dark sparkling whorl, the trees swayed from side to side.

A tornado of dust and leaves spun around the group, wildly fluttering the hair and robes of everyone.

Hartley looked around seriously, "lets go."

Everyone stepped inside the rippling rift without hesitation, taking a plunge into the unknown.