Refining the pocket dimension

Gone was the sparse dystopian brown landscape, its scant vegetation and non-existent resources had been replaced by the vibrant spruced up colours of spring.

The harsh conditions of the barren lands was not a place conducive for nurturing budding life.

This mysterious place however, had an abundance of greenery and lifeforms basking in the rays of sunshine.

Birds chirped happily and small animals ran around playfully, it was hard to believe this was anywhere near the barren lands.

The doberman-like face of the old beast-man smiled broadly, his eyes wandering over the lively scene.

"Don't be so shocked," he said, one arm throwing seeds to the animals, the other clutching his walking stick.

"All the buildings you've seen are wooden, are they not?"

It was true! It dawned on Hartley immediately, the buildings in the villages were all wooden, yet he hadn't seen any trees on his adventures through the barren land.

"Let's talk, I'm sure there are many things confusing to you at the moment."

"Follow me," he said as he walked off, ambling along with the help of his exotic walking stick.

Hartley's curiosity was piqued, his feet reluctantly carried him behind the beast-man, Zhi Rio and Kang exchanged looks then followed in tow automatically.

Commander Genk muttered curses under his breath and moved to follow, still wary and careful of ambushers.

Qin Li moved in step with the commander, both bringing up the rear, weapons still held tightly and eyes still wandering over the terrain.

After walking at a leisurely pace on a path cutting through trees and shrubs for ten minutes, the group came to a wooden cottage in a tranquil clearing next to a small pond.

Several small animals ran to the feet of the old beast-man in the lead, scurrying around on the dried leaves until they received a handful of seeds.

The beast-man chuckled as the animals made satisfied sounds, running off gleefully with their prize.

"Welcome to my home," he said to Hartley and the others with a broad grin.

Every angle of the well built dwelling stood in perfect unpainted symmetry.

Its simple interior was big enough to accommodate everyone.

Inside was a single prayer mat next to a small window, the group gathered in the mostly empty cabin, spotting some crude wooden furniture scattered around, there would be no comfort here, no one minded though, seating themselves on the cushion-less chairs.

The commander chose to stand close to the door, the massive tip of his sword resting on the wooden floor, its handle firmly gripped with his right hand.

The old beast-man smiled at Commander Genk, then sat comfortable on his prayer mat, facing the group from his lotus position.

"They've conditioned you to hate without logic." His remarks were aimed at the uncompromising Commander Genk.

The small windows on the opposite sides of the room sent light streaming across his aging grey fur.

"Do you think the people organising those crusades were doing it for the betterment of your race?"

Commander Genk scowled, half of his face covered in shadow, he had no intention of engaging in a debate, no matter how amicable the beast-man seemed.

"Let me save you some thinking time. No."

The beast-man eventually answered his own question with a satisfied smirk.

He looked back to Hartley who had Kang and Zhi Ruo sitting next to him.

"What's your intent?" Kang asked, always guarded and alert, opting to observe the situation keenly.

"Just lending a helping hand to our young friend here," he shrugged and flashed a grin that exposed his long yellow canine teeth.

Commander Genk scoffed loudly at the comment showing his contempt.

"Why are you so considerate?" Hartley asked, a half smirk creeping across his lips.

There was tense silence.

The beast-man then spoke in a soft voice hardly audible throughout the room, speaking like an uncle telling stories over a camp fire.

"Thousands of years ago, a treasure of immense power was rumoured to be in the possession of our beast-men tribes.

Countless of your top leaders from across the continent came here seeking that powerful artefact.

Motivating their unknowing troops and citizens with rhetoric of eradicating evil.

Painting it to the ignorant as a righteous campaign for the good of all humanity.

This would achieve three purposes simultaneously.

Gain the treasure, increase their own power and suppress a potentially strong rival race.

But for all the wrath and bloodshed heaved upon our people, it was to be a futile war for the power hungry humans.

None in the human society even possessed the capabilities to see what they sought.

Except you of course."

He pointed at Hartley, his face stern, there was an audible gasp as those words left the beast-man's mouth.

He continued on without paying attention to the group's reaction.

"Little did the humans know that the treasure they desired was draining the life away from these lands bit by bit.

I've maintained a part of the once fertile Arnette gardens through space manipulation. But there is no telling how long it will last.

It was foretold that only a person who can open the gate to the treasure can eventually take it, freeing us from an oath that tethers us to this dying land."

His eyes regained focus and he grinned in self deprecation.

"Wars raged, a trail of genocide was committed, and both sides sustained massive losses.

But your leaders were still determined to obtain the fabled weapon, it couldn't be allowed to remain in the hands of the beast-men.

After centuries of bloodshed, your people slowly came to realise the possibility that no such weapon existed, why would the beast-men not use it after fighting for so long?"

His voice strengthened and he looked directly at Hartley.

"The historical hate is still so strong between our people. Why do you think I went through the trouble of bringing you here and telling you all that? Even putting up with your bad tempered friend over there," the old beast-man pointed his chin at the scowling Commander Genk.

Hartley had a blank expression.

He didn't get a chance to answer, the beast-man bathed in sunlight continued to speak.

"Because you are one of the chosen ones that can open the gate. You have a chance of taking the treasure, leading to the restoration of this land in its entirety."

"You mean the pocket dimension?" Kang blurted out with wide eyes.

"Some call it that." The beast-man answered nonchalantly.

"Our ancients called it a device of higher training."

He looked at Commander Genk.

"You'll see the true face of your greedy human leaders once they suspect that you have acquired the treasure." He said laughing to himself.

"Higher training?" Hartley repeated in shock. His mind racing.


The pieces started to fall into place, things slowly started to make sense.

The person from a higher plane he had encountered on the peak of Falcon mountain, that guy was probably trying to refine and take the pocket dimension for himself.

Any one who controlled the pocket dimension could train up his subordinates to elite levels in weeks. The infamous treasure in the lands of the beast-men was more powerful than any weapon one could imagine.

Suddenly Hartley was in a hurry, this was an opportunity not to be missed.


A crowd of beast-men gathered on the fringes of the sacred ground, all quietly watching the humans being led by an esteemed ancient beast-man, they moved into the remnants of the sacred ground, walking over rubble.

Some were disgruntled by these scenes but didn't dare to object.

That was an ancient beast-man after all.

They all witnessed a spectacular sight soon after, all the collapsed debris clogging the underground passageways like cholesterol in arteries, started to float upwards as if weightless.

Tonnes of rocks and dirt floated above ground, weaving it's way out from underground, then settling down quietly and orderly.

Forming a massive hill made from rubble at the far end of the sacred ground.

It was a sight to behold, gasps and chatter erupted among the crowd.

Everyone moved a little closer to see what the humans were doing.

They were able to see the group of five, led by the raven haired young man, moving towards a particular tunnel. All five humans locked arms, then the young man touched a spot on the wall.

They all disappeared instantly, the generated winds shook the earth in the aftermath, stirring up a massive plume of dust and pebbles like a pacific typhoon.
