
Light gushed into the building from the full moon overhead. Hartley and his group stood patiently in the dilapidated domed chamber, its cracked crystal roof allowed the moonlight to illuminate the interior, drowning out the yellow light of the candles placed around the space..

The sparsely furnished room was circular, its walls adorned with murals and paintings from a more prosperous era.

Commander Genk's eyes roamed the walls of the chamber in awe as he admired the artworks on display. Qin Li and Kang stood to side and silently waited.

After a few minutes the silence was disturbed by footsteps, two more people entered from a door at the end of the room.

On the far side, Hartley saw the unmistakable figure of Patriarch Wushang, he had visibly aged since their last meeting, he was going bald, losing most of the white hair that had been nesting on the front of his head, donning a wrinkled white robe he had obviously hurriedly dragged on.

Moving in stride beside him was a brown haired and freckled-face young lady dressed in a warrior's black robe, alertness was etched on her face like a bodyguard escorting the old patriarch.

Hartley and Zhi Ruo recognised her immediately, this was Li Na, the granddaughter of Patriarch Wushang, even though she had now grown into a beautiful young woman, how could they forget the one who had painstakingly taught them the language of the pocket dimension all that time ago?

"Sorry for disturbing your rest patriarch, but time was of the essence," Hartley said with a respectful bow, stepping forward from the group to address Patriarch Wushang and flashing a smile at Li Na at the same time.

Li Na squinted, trying to figure out who these arrogant and well dressed people were. They had barged into the settlement at this ungodly hour, easily subduing the guards and demanding to see the patriarch right away.

Soon her mouth fell wide open as she stared at two members of the visiting group, her memories were suddenly jolted.

A flashback instantly transported her to the night she was saved by the raven haired young man and the crimson hair beauty stood by his side, that was fifteen years ago when she was but a helpless little girl.

How could it be? They still looked the exact same as that day she and her friend had met them.

"It's you!" She said, pointing a shaky finger at Hartley, almost fainting from the shock.

The patriarch chuckled, tapping on her shoulder to calm the girl.

He then stepped forward and returned Hartley's greeting.

"Don't be sorry to grace us with your presence Hartley, welcome back to Cambridge, I'm happy to see you again after all these years, I see you even brought new friends." As he talked he stared mainly at Kang, who he could tell was a powerful elemental saint and had a familiarity to him.

Hartley then introduced Qin Li, Commander Genk and Kang to the patriarch and his granddaughter.

The traveling trio were relieved that these two natives could speak the language of Aidonia, they conversed joyfully about the paintings in the chamber and the history of the pocket dimension.

Hartley had to cut in on the conversation and asked the patriarch to the situate the others, time was of the essence, he had to reach the falcon mountain range as soon as possible.

Patriarch Wushang gave Hartley his assurance and Hartley rushed to leave after kissing Zhi Ruo goodbye.

They all watched with bulging eyes as Hartley stepped into the void, disappearing from the chamber in a quick flash of black energy.
