What in the World?

Mally's mind froze for a moment, as she stared back at Kyera. It was the very last thing on her mind that Mally couldn't help but laugh. Confusion seemed to be her first reaction to Mally's outburst, and it was followed by a soft chuckle. "No, Kyera what in the world gave you that idea?" Mally asked finally chuckling and grinning at her. Kyera raised an eyebrow and looked at her from head to toe.

"You left the house in that dress yesterday. Its wrinkled and you have obviously not brushed your hair or tidied up completely." Kyera pointed out and Mally blushed, unable to keep herself from smoothing her hair with her hands. She was careful to straighten it to the best of her ability. Kyera chuckled taking the hair comb from her hair and motioning for Mally to turn around. The leopard turned quietly and let Kyera smooth and pin up her hair. It looked much better.

"Thank you, Kyera. No, I do not have any interest in Clovis. He is a sweet prince, and a fantastic father but let's be honest. I never wanted a title and as much as I love Raina, I could never help raise her. I'm useless against these scheming queens." Mally replied with a bit of a sad sigh. Kyera nodded, remembering all the things Raina had said… how much of it has been arranged by the queens to keep her from being a decent Princess? Raina had so much potential and yet almost none of it was recognized or tapped into.

"Well, you did fairly well with the resistance." Kyera pointed out, not liking her sister selling herself short. They may not be of blood but she had the same courage running through her veins. Mally laughed shaking her head, turning to face her.

"No, Kyera. I banded together a bunch of people to take a quiet stand that would never change anything. It wasn't till you decided to suggest we make a true stand that things changed. You were always the Princess. I was always your general. That's where I excel, I create the army, but you have the ability to lead it.." Mally replied honestly. Kyera couldn't help but smile at her dearest friend. Afterall, even with all the separation, they still felt like each other's right hand. There was a soft warmth in the wounded section of her heart. The loss of Verone would never lessen, the pain would always be there but at least now she had Mally to lean on to shoulder her way through this.

"Mally, you could lead just as well as I, you simply need to believe in yourself." Kyera reminded her as she straightened her friend's dress. It only took a few moments to take the wrinkled, askew mess to a properly adorned dress.

"I would rather just put my effort into believing in you. However, I need to head home and lay down." Mally replied with a teasing grin. "My medicine woman might kill me if I over stress my body." She added with a chuckle. Kyera fixed her with a hard look, but the smirk on her lips was hard to contain.

"I dare say you are correct. Go on. I have to have dinner with the Prince but I will be home tonight." Kyera replied and Mally nodded.

"Stay safe in the Shadows, My dear sister." Mally replied nodding her head. Kyera nodded back raising her hand to rest at her heart.

"May the Shadow's follow you in the night and guide you safely home." Kyera replied sending her off. The pair parted ways and Kyera turned back toward the house to see a rather patient little Princess standing by the door to her home.