Improper Dressing Part 2

"You will learn in due time. For now, we should get you princess's back to your kingdom and the ball." Crystalsa replied sidestepping the question before it could blow into something else. Afterall, it was not her story to tell and it was clear by the look on Kyera's face she was not ready to tell it herself. It wasn't really a surprise, they all knew the Dark ones would have to die, but there was something uneasy about that knowing that one would have to cut down their own kin, and possibly their past lover.  

"It is best we do. We have a issue though, Grandest Mother, we were suppose to perform the hunt and bring forth the meat for the ball." Kyera replied and the other princesses turned a bit pale. This would be the first time in history the Princess's failed their task. No one was sure what to say.

"If we go now we could return to the forest and hunt again? If not, perhaps we can gather what we had already hunted quickly and disappear without the Dark ones knowing?" Melania offered honestly trying to be helpful. Kyera shook her head.

"They destroyed the camp, and probably took the meat. Waste not, want for not." Kyera explained shaking her head slowly. "However perhaps… If the lady Matriarch Permits it, we could hunt here?"

"Hunt here? None of us have clothing to hunt here. We would freeze to death." Feya rebuked instantly. She was unwilling to tolerate this cold much longer, more or less hunt in it. After all, Kyera would have a distinct advantage here.

"Do you insult my hospitality as well as that of my Frost Land Nation by thinking we are too poor to provide you with ample clothing? We have agreed to grant you entrance to our SnowDrop Palace and you have seen it's grandeur, cloaks of our own men cover your shoulders. You can feel the wealth and prosperity of our kingdom, surely my people can afford to dress three Princesses in adequate garb." Crystalsa used her most motherly tone, sharpe with disapproval at a disrespectful cub. There was only so much she would tolerate of this first Princess's attitude.

"You already insulted us by not following tradition, I must ask you not insult Our Matriarch further." Reece added as he stepped out of the dining hall, having heard the commotion. He smiled a thin smile at Kyera. "Ahh, welcome back My Lady, and a new welcome to your disrespectful friends. I hope their attitude does not reflect your treatment since we parted last?"

"No, Second Son Reece, It does not. Thank you though, for your concern. Princess Feya simply does not know our laws." Kyera defended with a corgial smile. Bryson came to stand beside her, his eyes flashing with arning as he met his brothers. It was clear the heir did not approve of how is brother was speaking to Kyera.

"Good then, Shall we get these girls dressed properly? My grand daughter's gowns should fit the taller two, and Princess Melania should fit into something of Kyera's easily enough." Reever pointed out as the two girls in question stepped out of the dining room as well, following their father's mention.

"Yes, that would be satisfactory. Then we will send them on the hunt. Girls, please go get two of your warmest gowns, these girls do not have our appreciation for the cold." Crystalsa pointed out as she waved the two great granddaughters away. Kyera nodded.

"Melania, Please come with me. Cora you as well I will get you dressed. We will all meet back here shortly."