Family Despite Royalty Part 2

Clovis and Damar lay on their backs in the grass, spent as their three kids continued to play by themselves having worn their fathers out. The two men looked at their kids playing chase now and dashing and dodging around. Their grins and laughter infections.

Alexi had put Drynala down and now the toddler waddled as fast as her little legs could carry her. Raina noticed this and pretended to take a wrong turn and Dryn caught her skirt. Raina froze and leaned down hugging the child. "You got me Dryn… come on let's get the boys." Raina smiled and the boys began playing along, running slower so Dryn could catch them too.

"How do those four have so much energy?" Alexi asked as he plopped down next to his exhausted brothers.

"No idea. What I do know is all those children are going to sleep like the sun tonight." Clovis replied chucking as he sat up next to Alexi. He was still coated in sweat and there was dirt on his clothes.  He didn't care.

"Yes… they will. I think they gave me about as much of a work out as I get training with the ninety regiment. If not more." Damar groaned as he rotated his shoulders and twisted so his back popped back into place. Alexi laughed and nodded.

"Even little Drynala was giving me quite a run for my money. It's nice to see so many happy faces. Speaking of happy faces; our wives are over there whispering amongst themselves." Alexi pointed out and all three men looked at their wives who seemed to be pulling the last if the meat off the grill.

"They get along well. I hope these heir games don't ruin this. I like having brothers again." Damar sighed, knowing things would change soon. They just found each other again and began to rebuild right as the heir games moved into the more competitive rounds.

"I don't think it will. To be honest, as long as it is one of us three, I don't give a damn who is on that throne." Clovis replied sighing deeply. He had his own plans anyway…

"I can understand that. May the best man win." Damar replied and Alexi nodded.

"Or, at least the worst man lose." He offered shaking his head. They could all agree there as the wives leaned in whispering again.

"Why does that look like trouble?" Damar asked pushing himself up onto his forearms.

"Because I think my wife just pointed at us." Alexi replied suddenly feeling wary.

"And that Grin on Kyera's face is always one of mischief." Clovis added as the three women seed to saunter their way over to the three men on the ground. Before Alexi could get up he found his lap occupied by Lalia who grinned brightly. Kyera and Melania were a bit slower, one to protect her child the other out of nerves.

Clovis reached for her hand and helped Kyera into his lap, wrapping both arms around the baby bump once she was settled. She smiled and closed her eyes. Content the two lovers were in their own world.

Melania however, hesitated a bit we aware of her husband's keen eyes on her. The soft suspicion in his eyes was enough to unnerve her a bit, but she sat next to him. Sitting on one hip, with her ankles tucked against her dress she leaned lightly on him. He tensed for a moment, the look in his eyes unreadable as he glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes for a long moment.

"What brings you girls over here?" He asked her gently, brushing her hair out of her eyes. It was a simple motion but made Melania's heart flutter with emotions.

"Dinner was ready, and I was wondering if you would like to try one of mine?" She asks with a soft smile. He nodded, smiling as well.

"I would like that." He agreed his voice a bit overly polite but his eyes were warm. She offered him the little leaf wrapped morsel. It was nicely wrapped in a different style from the others. It was uniquely hers. She opened the packet with slightly trembling fingers and used the utensil to mix around the contents. He watched as Melania pinched a bite with the utensil and gently blew on it steam swirling off the meat.

Before he could take the utensil from her, she brought the bite to his lips. He glanced at her, meeting her eyes a bit curiously. Damar took the bite. The filling melted in his mouth in delicious splendor. He couldn't help but wonder how much of that was the meal and how much was who was feeding him.