The Hunt Ball Part 1

"There is someone who wants to see you, Raina." Mordakai smiled as he offered her his arm. Raina smiled and took his arm with a brilliant smile. She could stand straight and proud between her father and The Shadow Veil King.

He led her not far away, to where Vella and Mordrin were speaking with a old man dressed in a flamboyant colored cloak. Bright vivid colors and a tea cup on his belt. He saw the Princess and smiled, she could see the scar that ran across one eye and disappeared behind his hair. The old man moved aside and Raina was confused for but a moment. Then her eyes widened and she ran to the woman.

Evelyn was dressed beautifully and sitting in her chair, being greeted by Matriarch Crystalsa who seemed more than happy to get ot know one another. Both women looked up as Raina threw her arms around her grandmother's neck around the side of the chair.

"Grandmother, your here." Raina greeted her with a bright smile, she kissed her grandmother's cheek. Evelyn laughed and smiled at her.

"Yes, Yes I am Raina darling. I told you I would be here after I saw Shaman HalfEye." Evelyn replied with a rather wide smile. Shaman Half Eye walked over and smiled at the child.

"I have heard a lot about you, Princess Raina. I am Shaman Half Eye, Lady Kyera's guardian." Shaman HalfEye introduced himself and swept a bow. The beautiful colors of his cloak shimmering in the candle light.

"Pleasure to meet you, Shaman Halfeye, but you don't need to guard my Mommy anymore. She has me and Daddy for that." She replies rather sure of herself. The onlookers laughed at Raina's simple words. It was clear the child was not willing to let anyone take on the position of protecting her Mommy.

"No,I am not here to take that responsibility dear child. , I am simply here to take care of your Grandma until she gets better, and to be here when your baby sibling is born. Just in case Cora needs help delivering the baby safely." Shaman Half Eye replied with a smile. He knew she was right. Princess Kyera didn't need him anymore, but he wondered if Raina realized that her mother was more a warrior than a housewife.

"Good, now Grandmother, how are you feeling?" Rania asked and Evelyn smiled

"Very well actually, but I have a surprise for you. The reason I stayed behind to wait for Shaman Half Eye." Evelyn replied as she slowly smoothed her dress over her lap. Raina smiled and tilted her head.

"What's that Grandmother?" Raina asked stepping back. The once proud Empress put her hands on the sides of her seat. Eve took a deep breath, letting out that breath slowly as she carefully pulled herself to her feet. The purple fabric swirled around her as Evelyn took two slow steps away from the chair. Raina giggled and squealed, seeing her grandmother stand. She ran to her Father and The Emperor who were engaged in polite conversation and drug them over.

"Come you must see!" Raina pulled them over to see Evelyn standing, one hand lightly resting on Mordakai's arm for balance as she saw them walk over. The Emperor's mouth fell open as he saw the site he never expected to see again. Clovis smiled looking at Shaman HalfEye he nodded.

"Evie.." The Emperor greeted her reaching to take her hand but she avoided it. Mordakai frowned at him, the fact that she was leaning on him was the only way she was staying on her feet steadily.

"I'm sorry, but I believe I told you to never call me that again." Evelyn replied smoothing her dress with her hand. The white lace smoothed under her hands. He looked down a bit embarrassed by his once loyal, loving wife's cold tone. It was clear the woman had no intention of being that wife again.

"I am so glad to see you back on your feet mother." Clovis hugged her gently. He had no intention of letting his father cause issues for his mother. Not this time. There were people to protect her now.