Leaving Moria


The castle was soundless as the future perched on the edge of change. The dark shadows waited, unnaturally still as the air in the castle changed. The little wolf pup on The Shadow King's desk tilted her head and looked up at him as his hand gently caressed her back.

Unlike the rest of his realm which was tense and uncertain, he was calm. The storm clouds that rarely curled across the shadow realm sky threatened to bottom rain on those below. A storm in the shadow realm was always temperamental, but most were full of violent energy that thrashed the sky like lightning to destroy anything in its path. It was known to put even the Shadow King to the test, a tower of his palace blackened beyond recognition from a erant blast. He watched out that large glass window as the clouds rolled across the sky. The Shadow King's eyes were pensive as he moved the little wolf pup to his lap to continue petting and turned to face the window more fully.

As breathtaking as the dark forests and cool emerald grasslands were, surrounded by the large shadowy jagged peaks of the mountain range, a storm always added to its majesty. Yet, there seemed to be more now. A new dimension of depth to the shadows that made everything seem… more real.

The souls of the dead were real, just as their lives had been, but there was always a part of it that was… one dimensional. They were just spirits, ideals and emotions left behind but there was another sense that was completely blind. It was that sense that he could feel awakening. There was a new depth to the landscape? It seemed as though the forests themselves were gaining a new layer of shadow… but it shimmered. A small smile crept across his lips as he felt the boy beside him lean against the desk.

"Is that the Fate Witch again?" Kendrick asked raising an eyebrow. The Shadow King shook his head.

"No, Kendrick. That is the sign of an awakening. A young godling coming into their power and, with a little luck, accepting it." He replied coolly, but there was a sadness to the tone.

"You don't think she will?" Kendrick asked looking out at the kingdom beyond. His father sighed deeply, his fingertips working through the spirit wolf's coat.

"No.. maybe. What makes you think I was referring to a she?" He asked, not looking at Kendrick. The younger boy frowned softly.

"I can feel her. She's calling to me. I feel needed. The only one thing on earth that can make the third of four children feel like this." Kendrick replied, a soft smile on his face as he remembered it well.

"Oh?" The Shadow King asked, this son of his had always been quiet. His curiosity was peaked to see how his mind worked.

"My little sister needs me. Dad, I need a favor." Kendrick turned to his father and there was a long moment where their eyes just met. The fire of life still burned in Kendeick's soul.

The Shadow King smiled slowly, knowing what was going through his son's head. "Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked his son quietly. There was a moment of pause, as he let himself think through this.

"I don't see any reason not to. I have no reason to live a full second life without Kyera. I feel this is what my life was meant to be." He replied softly and as a father, there was nothing more to be said.