Winter Whimsy Part 1

The winds seemed to die down as the mountain peaks in their veil of snow came into site. Ivory led the three dragons and their riders to the seaside cliffs that marked the end of the Canyon. 

The rocky cliffs parted and opened to a clear blue expanse, edged and dotted with floating islands of ice. The dragons swooped down, heating their bodies to warm their riders as their wingtips glided over the icy water. 

Raina was enamored by the beauty of the sparkling ocean around her. The air was cold but smelled of salt and life. The slight burn of the cold air was refreshing as she spread her arms out to let the wind pass over her. Tempest seemed delighted that her charge was enjoying this. 

"We will land up ahead." Tempest offered as Ivory began to even out, flying between two cliff faces and disappearing from site. 

"Where are we going?" Raina asked as they followed Ivory, Ember bringing up the rear. 

"A very special place, little love. We call it, the Nest of Winter's First Breath." Tempest replied as they glided through the cliff gap and banked a hard right turn. As they did, Raina grabbed onto the horn in front  of her to stop herself from being thrown off. Suddenly she felt she was no longer in the Frost Lands. 

There was a warmth in the air, and as she opened her eyes she saw the wonders of the nest. Brilliant colored gems and rocks glowed on the walls and ceiling. The floor perhaps had the same, but it was scattered with soft nests of dragon hide and fur, probably from frost land beasts. There were eggs and dragons of all sorts of shapes and sizes scattered throughout the nesting grounds. Paths between the nests were like mazes that you could see over. Twists and turns connecting all of the nests together. Ivory and Kyera were rather focused on a safe dismount as Raina spotted them. 

The Tigress flashed Raina  bright smile. "Welcome to The Winter Dragon's Cradle, or Nest of Winter's First Breath." Kyera greeted her daughter as Tempest helped her dismount. Raina slid a little clumsily down from her perch. After recovering from her stumble, the child was nearly knocked off her feet from a mass of tiny dragons bumping into her legs, nuzzling and making soft roaring sounds at her, some curious and others playful. Raina couldn't help but giggle and pet them. One small dragon even landed on her shoulder. It had fins like ears and a long sea serpent like fin down it's back ending in a beautiful blue, purple, and pink tail. It seemed content to lick Raina's Cheek. 

"Wow I have never seen so many dragons… they are so tiny." Raina exclaimed during a small bout of giggles as the little dragon's licking ticked her nose. 

"These are mere hatchlings, Raina. Most less than 50 years old. Beautiful creatures, and they stay in the nest with their Nest Mothers for quite a while. Tempest and Ivory are Nest Mothers and Ember is a Guardsman." Kyera explained as she glanced around the room, searching for something. Raina was curious as she tried to follow Kyera's site. And they found him. 

Clovis was currently on his back being licked and tackled by a band of dragons roughly the size of Burmese mountain dogs. They wanted to play and the only other humans here were off limits. One was pregnant and the other a child, Ignoring that one was the Storm Queen and the Storm Twins would gobble anyone up who dared tackle her with demands of play. 

Kyera laughed and Raina giggled. "Ivory, a hand please?" Kyera looked up at the dragon who gave her brother a warning look. Ember seemed as though someone ruined his fun and roared. The dragonlings froze, scampering back to give the angry Storm Twin space. Two Nest mothers growled at Ember their fiery breath rolling at the back of their throats. 

"He is My King. Back off, Stormella, Rykera." Ember growled at both of them and they seemed to realize they could not argue. 

"They are only children and you frightened the hatchlings." Stormella, a deep blue dragon with wings the color of storm clouds growled as she tried to comfort her nest of palm sized babies. 

Ember looked slightly sheepish and blew warm air over the fussy babes. The seemed to calm a bit and snuggle against Stormella's belly scales. 

"There are so many dragons… I thought they were more rare but there are so many babies alone!" Clovis pointed out with a bit of a chuckle as he dusted off and stood up. Raina turned her curious eyes on Kyera. 

"How many dragons do you see?" Kyera asked Raina and Raina thought for a moment and began to count. After several moments she looked at Kyera.