Fantasy's Garden Part 1

The winter winds obeyed the storm twins and calmed themselves. They had spent most their furry on The Forest Gate so they were easy to Pacify for the little ones first ride. Kyera guided Ember with a gentle hand, he carefully guided the wind away from his passengers as they approached the Frostlands. 

Gale was snuggled into the saddle bag at Kyera's side, warm blankets and the special modifications she had made to the bag making it perfect for the baby to ride in. She couldn't help but check on him every few moments. Little Rosie was a bit nervous, tucked against Kyera's stomach. A leather harness and clips securing her in front of Kyera. The child was both fascinated and nervous judging by her expression, and Kyera just let her explore her emotions. Everyone responds to their first ride in their own way, and they would be landing soon. She pulled Ember closer to Ivory and just above her so they were in each other's wind void. 

"Clovis, do you want to land at home or ride on to the SnowDrop Palace?" Kyera called out over the lessened wind. He looked up at her seeming to think about it for several moments. 

"Home. I need to speak to Grandmother." Clovis replied, trying to be responsible and Kyera nodded. 

"We should probably check in with Grandmother then return to The SnowDrop palace for dinner. We will need to report to Grandest Mother and introduce Rosie." Kyera explained as she urged Ember to turn with Ivory as the pair changed course to land at the Garden Palace. 

"I know but Mother and Grandmother need to know what happened. Then we can go to the Frostland Royals." Clovis replied and Kyera nodded. 

"I would rather go to the royals as a family anyway. I want Raina to know about her new sibling first." Kyera admitted, it was a bit selfish, she knew that. Afterall, her first duty should be to report to the royals and in any other country that would be her sworn duty. However, here in the Frost Lands there has and always will be one thing that trumps royalty, and it is called family. 

The dragons glided to the ground in slow loops while their riders talked. It wasn't a long way down, but with a new child rider, Ember was setting a slower pace than usual. He didn't want the child to get air sick. As they landed Kyera smiled, the garden was full of people, namely her people. Daxin and Raina stood beside the few guards who stayed behind, too old for the fight in the Forests. Eve and Vivian stood together both so relieved to see the dragons landing that the smiles on their faces were brilliant. 

Raina broke ranks first and ran up Ivory's wing, tossing both arms around Clovis's neck who caught his crying daughter and cradled her close. It hit him just how afraid and tense he had been since he left. He had been terrified he would never hold her again, but luckily his wife had no intention of letting him go. He kissed Raina's hair and cradled her while Kyera undid the buckles on Rosie's harness. Soon the children was free and Kyera scooped Gale out of his seat. With both children, one hand holding Rosie's and her other arm cradling Gale, Kyera made her way to the ground. 

Whispers of curiosity began and Kyera turned to face her people. "The Dark Ones are no more. Their leader died at my hands. Rejoice for the forest is free. Many lives were lost, including Verone Softpaw who… whose memory will live on as a hero. I will explain more later when I have had time to process and, yes, to grieve. Gale has been recovered, and I bring a new life to our clan." She raises Rosie's hand. "So rejoice and be glad the war is over my friends. It is over." Kyera said again firmly. The cheers of her people were bitter sweet and slightly confused, but they would not press their Princess. 

Eve and Vivian had tears on their faces, shock as they thanked the Gods above. Two small arms hugged Kyera close as the others cheered. Raina held her close one hand on her baby brother the other clutching tightly to Kyera's skirt as the child sobbed. Rosie reached out tentatively and pat Raina's back with a tiny hand. Kyera leaned down and kissed her daughter's smooth black hair.