The End

Matriarch Crystalsa and her remaining sons stood side by side on the steps to the Palace. They watched the dragons land and the children dismount. Each of them were dressed in their formal furs, crowns and circlets resting on their brows. Bryson held a box in his hands, watching their approach with anticipation. 

The silver flowers on either side of the path played a perfect backdrop to Kyera and Clovis as they led their family up the cobblestone path. Sweeping a low bow, Kyera greeted her elders. 

"Grandest Mother Crystalsa, I wish to report on the mission I led for the benefit of our people and in the best interest of peace with our neighbor." Kyera told her and the older woman nodded. 

"You may proceed." Her voice was surprisingly formal and make Kyera hesitate for a fraction of a second. She brushed it off. 

"The battle for Forest Gate is done, the Brothers now rule in a circle of three. Bastil was killed in the battle and Gale was recovered due to the heroics of a man we had thought of as a traitor." Kyera reported dutifully. There was a collective sigh of relief as the family's attention was brought to Gale in her arms. 

"I see. You have done well. Any further developments?" Crystalsa asked glancing meaningfully at the tiny hand clutching Kyera's skirt. 

"Yes… Clovis and I have decided not to return to The Forest Gate unless we are needed. Our family of five, myself, Clovis, Raina, Gale and our adopted daughter Rosie wish to remain here in the Frost Lands...if you will have us." Kyera made the request standing tall. Her family on display for the Frost Royal's judgement. She had expected to be welcome with open arms… but there was a long moment of silence as Crystalsa nodded at Bryson. 

The older man stepped forward, so he stood in front of his Granddaughter. He cleared his throat, standing tall as he brought the wooden box in front of him. 

"Almost two years ago, when you were reunited with us, The Matriarch gave your husband, Clovis, the cuff of the Patriarch to acknowledge that you were both royals of our family. You were driven away before your coming of age and as such, were never christened as one of our own." Bryson spoke clearly and his words were heavy with meaning as Kyera's eyes widened. He opened the box and removed a silver circlet with miniature metal version a familiar flower in the center of a small dip. A purple jewel dangling from the flower on a short chain. Bryson leaned forward, and settled the tiara into Kyera's hair. The flower sat on the top of her forehead, but the jewel dangled between her eyebrows. 

"Welcome home, Princess Kyera of the Frost Dancers. May you and your family weather the storm in the warm embrace of our kin. May your place among our people teach you compassion, and the sharp bite of winter wind remind you to be mindful. Walk in the Shadows dearest one." Bryson spoke the blessing as tears fell from Kyera's eyes. "Your home will forever be with us." Bryson whispered the last line and Kyera wiped the tears from her eyes. 

"Kyera my Great Grandchild…" Matriarch Crystalsa nudged her son to the side and took Gale from her, handing the child to Bryson before pulling Kyera tight to her. She hugged the younger woman and pat her back. "You have suffered too much on the outside. Now we can be a family." She finally released and Kyera nodded. 

She took Raina and Rosie's hands and looked back at Clovis who slid his arm around her waist. The Frost royals gathered close and Kyera felt a sensation she had not felt in ages. She was home and this was her family.