The Test

The 3 young men begin to advance towards the door until they arrive on his doorstep the first approached slowly and passed, the door the crowd began to applaud.

A kind of tradition to congratulate future students on their first step towards magic.

The young man smiled but his smile did not stay long, he stayed on the spot trying to move forward as if he was in front of a wall he was trying to push but without result,He began to sweat, impossible to advance his talent apparently is rather low.

But the young man was not depressed because the 2 other did not even pass the door, exactly like him it was like a impassable wall , they tried for almost 5 minutes until a mage came to tell them to make room for the others, dissapointed they left the academy grounds with their family.

Actually it's already pretty good that someone passed in the first group, the academy recruits apprentice every years but only 5% of the participant passed the test, each time there are between 500 and 1000 participants.

Adrian was in the back of the crowd with a servant by the name of Eldrich an old man with white hair and almost transparent gray eyes. Seeing Adrian play with his fingers he decided to reassure him"Young Master Do not be stressed you are the son of a magician your mother sacrified her magical power temporarily for your sake.".

"Im not stressed Eldrich,I'm in a hurry to take the test to see where are my limits!" responded Adrian while smiling.But Eldrich knows Adrian he knows very well when the young master plays with his fingers that he is stressed because he does it when his mother scold him, but he did not respond and just faintly smiled.

One by one the participants tried to pass the test, some passed the test by advancing more than 20 meters after the door they were welcomed by the teachers with congratulations.

2 hours passed like that, adrian waited impatiently for his turn and at the end of the 3rd hour it was finally his turn.

He stepped forward with two other participant but was not the first one to try, the first one did not even passed the door the disappointment was clear on his face, ashamed of his failure he started crying and left with his family

The second one was someone taller than Adrian with blond hair and blue eyes, he advanced carefully, passed the doors, step by step he advanced until he reached 15 meters where he stopped because of the invisible wall.

Finally it was the turn for Adrian to advance.

The crowd stopped applauding for the previous participant and even some people began to murmur about Adrian.

Adrian started walking towards the doors and stopped at the edge of the doors.

He took a deep breath and took the first step, he felt no resistance, he continued one step , 2 step,3 4,5,6 steps, he reached the 10 meters mark without any resistance.

He continued 10 meters, 11 meters ,15 metres until he reached where the previous participant failed 20 meters but he continued at 20 meters he started to feel resistance like a strong wind trying to push him in opposite direction.

But Adrian continued he reached 25 meters 26,27,28....29.....30 Meters!

Adrian was starting to push against the wall, drops of sweat began to appear on his forehead , he clenched his teeth so hard that he began to hear a faint sound of teeth rubbing against each other .

The Wall startedto retreat centimeters by centimeters until he reached 31 meters, the wall refused to retreat, Adrian dropped to the ground , huge beads of sweats on his forehead and loud breathing clearly indicated this was his limit.

At the entrance of the school the crowd started applauding Adrian, Eldrich made a slight smile and started applauding,he was joined by the dean and the teachers as well as participants that had already passed the test.