Organisation of the school and The Dean Tower

For one hour, the students continued to ask questions, Adrian did not ask any other questions because he knew that books in the library will answer most of the questions he asked himself.

"Now let's talk about the resources and places of the schools as an apprentice of the school you have the right to access, as a non-initiated apprentice you have no access to resources other than the knowledge of the library, your residence and your respective classes in your department.Once you reach the vision stage you will have access to the training rooms, once you will be in control stage you will have access to the magical spell library and every 3 months you will have to complete a mission for the school, it can go from helping cleaning the establishment or help in the research of the mages, but you do not do it for free you will be paid in point that will allow you to buy resources or additional courses." Said mr Elretur.

"About the location of these places do not worry in your room there will be a map of the establishment hang on the wall, I advise you to learn it very quickly. On this track, I'll take you to your rooms." After explaining how worked the school Mr Elretur walked out of the hall followed by the students.

Once out of the hall the students were welcomed by the sight of huge buildings of different colors and shapes, some seemed to be quite banal compared to some who were eccentric and strange , for example there was one in particular in the form of a Ball of purple color which was surrounded by towers which floated around it.

When all the students were looking at the mysterious ball a young man who looked like a twenty year old approached Professor Elretur "Master Elretur, the Dean sends me to guide a certain Adrian Ferildan to his tower.".

"Very good, Adrian! The dean is calling you, do not make him wait, and oh, here is Falgar, one of the Dean's apprentices, he's here to accompany you to the Dean's tower, he'll show you around on your way. ", Adrian approached while Mr Elretur introduced him to his future comrade, knowing that he was going to be himself the apprentice of the Dean of the School.

After hearing Falgar Adrian's presentation looked him in the eyes but he could not help but look away as he felt a slight pressure on his shoulder as if he was carrying a weight on his shoulder.

"Follow me closely, the school is very big it would be a pity if you get lost in the school while the dean calls you."Falgar said as he turned and walked away.

Adrian followed him closely as Falgar showed him the buildings and explained to him their usefulness and to which department these buildings are attached.

"The building on your left is the research center of the runic magic department, here we form the best Runnic master and Archeologist of the Elferant continent."Falgar said while looking at the huge tower so high that Adrian did not even see the summit.

After walking a little over an hour, they arrived in front of a tower that was quite ordinary, neither too big nor too small, with bronze ornaments representing Pegase phoenix and Hydra, as they could be found in silver and gold. in the hall of the trone a little earlier.

"Here is the Dean's tower, the tower where you will have the right to live once you are a mage like all the apprentice of the Dean, follow me the Dean is waiting for you he is in his personal library" While saying this Falgar advanced toward the tower while Adrian followed him