Storm Particles Control And 1 month

"There are several ways to control a particle storm particles, 1 to do a classic, 2 via a storm crystal, the second is risky you will reach the control of the particle in 1 month but however it will be unstable during this month and injuries may have happened. ",

She continued"Since time is precious we will go through a Storm crystal, to begin do you know what an elementary crystal is ?"

"Yes, it's a crystal formed by a magical beast that has reached crystallization." Responded Adrian.

"Correct but you know how to use it and why it is so popular because the magic contained in a crystal is 10 times more pure and stable than those in the air."

"Of course you will not absorb the particles but you're just going to try to remove some particles from the crystal and just being able to remove that particle will give you almost instant control of the elements, but still if the particle gets into your body it may be that your body does not support it and it can cause a coma. "

The tender and protective appearance of Merila had disappeared at that moment, replaced by a serious woman.

Merila gave Adrian a crystal and said, "You have the choice to risk your life by trying or going to war, the choice is up to you."

Adrian did not hesitate, in the war against the demons an apprentice magician has no chance and 100% chance to die, while the same if he had a 70% chance of dying he would have done it as well.

He sent his link in the crystal, the particles of storm moved a lot and chaotically and that even in a crystal, it took him 1 hour for his bond attaches to a particle but the link broke, after 10 tries it ends by creating a stable connection with a particle, the dangerous part was now, the particle had to stay in the link and not in its body.

The particle was spinning around his link, now he needed to change his link so the particles would move to the place he wanted, it took him a good ten minutes to take control of the particle, now he needed to take out the particle without it entering his body.

The particle did not want to go out so she tried to escape the link which complicated the task to Adrian but he persisted knowing that his life was at stake.

The crystal collapsed on itself, end to end the pieces fell to the ground without any trace of energy.

Adrian had managed he had finally managed to take control of a storm particle, he cut the link when he felt the chaotic energy begin to invade his body.

"Now all you have to do is improve your control and move on to the next level."Said Merila while smiling aparently happy for her son.

Without realizing it 1 month passed.

After being able to control the particles of storms Adrian trained and after 15 days reached the same levels as the other particles, but the fatigue accumulated in his body made him sleep for 2 days.

After recovering Adrian spent his day with his mother who gave him advice on assimilation and what to do, his mother had prepared a magic circle that would attract the particles in the room where he would go to the next level and in 6 days it will be possible to assimilate his particles in his body via the magic circle.

Adrian decided to spend the last 6 days training in runic magic.