Battle Promise

Jun Qing stared at the thousands of enemies in front of the gate. He directed the formation of his own soldiers and dispatched some of them to cover the part of the forest where the wall was missing. After finishing with the formation, he took out his sword and came towards the wall.

"When Young General Jun Min awakes, tell him to head towards the forest."

That was the message Jun Qing left before he went to direct the battle.

Jun Min awoke not long after the sun rose. The battle hasn't started yet, but he knew that the time was near. Taking out his makeup, he quickly adjusted his appearance before walking out of his room and walked towards his uncle's room. While walking, he quickly stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth and ate a few of them without caring about his image.

The soldiers who stood on the side didn't dare to look at Jun Min though, due to his murderous aura leaking a bit. Since he was preparing to go to war, he was adjusting his state of mind. After all, he hadn't gone to battle for quite some time.

"Young General Jun, the general told us to inform you to head towards the forest."

Jun Min nodded. He knows that his soldier must be there. Without delaying any longer, he walked into the forest. Within several minutes, he had arrived. The four generals there quickly bowed down upon the sight of their leader.

"Are the preparations done?"


"Then, let's go."

Jun Min arranged the formation of the soldiers as he scanned the enemy soldiers. His mouth twitched slightly.

"That annoying uncle, don't tell me that I have to fight head-on with close to 60,000 soldiers with only 40,000 soldiers? He's so wicked."

He didn't complain any longer and focused on analyzing the enemies. He hadn't heard of many accomplished generals from the Mountain Kingdom, but he knew that there were several of them. With their plan of going all out, it was clear that the most outstanding general must have been dispatched among these soldiers.

Jun Min's mouth curved into a smile. If they thought that this was the end of them, they were wrong. He adjusted his grip on his horse and waited for the start of the battle.

When the time came, the two groups of soldiers moved forward and Jun Min began his killing spree. He was not only a general but also a martial artist. Looking at the sea of soldiers in front of him, Jun Min remembered once again the first time he had set foot on the battlefield as a mere foot soldier. All of it was etched clearly into his mind.

Leading thousands of soldiers behind him, he started moving and slashing down the enemies. His movement was swift and he didn't require much energy to fight with the normal soldiers, which resulted in a total slaughter for them. His real battle came when he encountered the enemy general and fought with him.

The sound of swords clashing resounded in the whole place. The Mountain Kingdom army was being pushed back by the Jun army. Their advantage in number quickly disappeared and the number of commanders dying increased.

"General Jo!"

"Captain Kan!"

"Commander Sou!"

Jun Qing heard the enemies' cries as he lightly shook his head. He knows that Jun Min must have been fighting with all of his might and chased after the enemies' leader. To win the war, there are two ways, one is annihilating their whole army and two is killing the leader. Without the leader, the soldiers will be in disarray.

Jun Min only stopped when he met the great general of the Mountain Kingdom. He had not expected to see this general after only fighting for almost a day. The sun was starting to set, but there was still a lot of light for them to see each other.

The great general of Mountain Kingdom was as expected, a really big man. On the contrary, Jun Min was really small and short. Both of them were examining each other as the only words that could describe the person before them was only one word.


Jun Min hadn't met anyone that he could consider strong among the Mountain Kingdom army aside from their great general. Although his pure strength is still lacking compared with the other general, his skill has been honed perfectly and could easily overthrow the enemy commander or even general albeit it may take him some time.

But only towards this person does Jun Min not have the confidence to beat him. Still, it only made things even more interesting.

"Your name, youngster," the great general of Mountain Kingdom suddenly opened his mouth, "I don't have any interest in a no-name soldier."

Jun Min knew that he was only talking nonsense. Both of them can clearly feel that the other party was not weak in the slightest. If that great general doesn't want to fight him, he would lose even more soldiers from the battle.

"Jun Min. My name is Jun Min," Jun Min answered.

The great general nodded. "I'm General Tou. You're truly a gem among the young generation. What is your rank?"

"I'm a general," Jun Min answered.

"I see," General Tou said with heavy emotion. It was rare to see someone so talented during their youth and even more so when the party is still in their teens. He wanted to fight Jun Min, but at the same time, he didn't want to kill him. Despite them being enemies, he doesn't want to see such a good bud die at a young age.

"General Min, let the fight end now. With the sky darkening, it will be unwise to continue," he said solemnly.

Jun Min nodded. He knows that too, but will the other party want to resound their retreat?

"Let us fight tomorrow Youngster."

"Sure, I will be waiting, General Tou."

When the promise was made, the gong that signified the end of the first day of battle sounded. The soldiers from both sides retreated.