Talented ‘Young Man’

General Hen didn't want to believe what he saw. Even the other commanders felt the same way as him. They saw clearly, a young man in his teens fighting against General Tou head-on without the slightest disadvantage. Those who have experienced General Tou's power beforehand felt even more dejected.

"The Ming Kingdom is truly flourishing with talent."

General Hen recalled the meeting their king held. The other party had mentioned that the Ming Kingdom is still growing, but they have grown even more powerful than the other kingdoms. If they didn't do anything to stop them, they would all soon lose their footing on the Ming Kingdom.

Seeing that young general before them fighting against that big general, only one word can describe him: Monster. Just saying that the Ming Kingdom is filled with talent is not enough, it is more accurate to say that they have been grooming a monster. What kind of environment could make a little boy that strong? And how many people like him are there among the Ming Kingdom?

General Hen remembered the words of their princess once again. The battle is meaningless and they would only throw away the lives of their citizens should they continue. Now he genuinely felt that the princess was correct. With such a monster leading the whole army, how could they expect to win the battle? Could they sacrifice their great general? No one would feel that it's worth it, even General Hen knows that it isn't.

"General, who is he?" the lieutenant asked in doubt. That boy's age is only around his son's, but his fighting prowess is terrifying.

"General Jun Min of the Ming Kingdom," General Hen answered. He got the feeling that this one person can change the tide of the whole battle with his presence. They hadn't heard about him during this few months, but they know that a while ago, there was a general named Jun Min who had accomplished great results around this area.

From now on, the name of Jun Min will be etched in their minds deeply.

As the battle continued, the sun started to set once more. Jun Min was extremely tired and his body was riddled with wounds, but he still stood before the great general. The blood had plastered all over his body and it made him look scary, but his clear eyes were still looking at General Tou with determination.

"General Jun Min, you're exceptionally talented," General Tou had to admit that the last time that anyone had managed to wound him was his peer. Now there is someone among the younger generation who could match up to him completely.

"Thank you, General Tou. You're really strong," Jun Min grinned. He knows that his uncle will berate him once he returns, but he doesn't care. The fight just now had brought him to death's door countless times and he felt extremely exhausted, but there was no way he would give up. Just from that fight alone, he knows that his movements have become better even if the progress was insignificant.

"Of course I'm strong. Who do you think I am?" General Tou laughed.

Jun Min felt that every old man he has met was shameless. Is it because they have reached the end of their lives that they have turned shameless? Don't tell me that it's just because the shamelessness has been etched into their bones? He felt vexingly conflicted.

"Should we continue our battle tomorrow?" Jun Min grinned.

General Tou looked at Jun Min's body which was full of the wounds. Given that all the young boy's wounds were delivered by him personally, he knows that it must be deep. Despite his ego of wanting to fight with the young man again, he didn't feel like doing it anymore. The soldiers he had lost just from three battles nearly amounted to 1/3 of his battalion. The Mountain Kingdom might lose their whole army if this continues.

"No, we have lost."

"General!" the soldiers in the surroundings exclaimed.

Jun Min also raised his eyebrows. Why did this general suddenly announce his loss? They have just begun the fight, right?

"Are the soldiers here the elites?"

Jun Min looked at his soldiers. They came from his own squad, so he knows that they have undergone rough training under him. Although they are divided into 10 squads with each of their own strengths and weaknesses, it could be said that they are indeed the elites of his soldiers.

"Yes, they are my elite soldiers," Jun Min answered.

General Tou had seen yesterday that even without Jun Min personally killing the soldiers, they are all elites that are capable of fighting a few soldiers at once. Their fighting strength was abnormal and their numbers even more so. How could you train close to 40,000 soldiers to become such elites? He realized that the person before him is a great general despite having only reached the general rank.

He was in awe towards this young man and for their ambition of annihilating the Ming Kingdom. It couldn't be done without defeating this person before him.

"You're a great person, Jun Min. The Mountain Kingdom will forfeit the battle. May the Heavens bless you."

"Thank you, General Tou," Jun Min watched General Tou march away, leading the soldiers from the Mountain Kingdom. He turned his back and mounted his horse.

"The first battle is our victory!"

The cries of the soldiers overwhelmed the whole place.

After Jun Min returned to the wall, Jun Qing's eyes nearly popped out and he quickly called his personal doctor to check on Jun Min. It took them some time to finish cleaning up all the wounds and prescribe Jun Min the medicine he needed.

"Uncle, you don't need to look so depressed. We have won the war," Jun Min grinned.

"You are not allowed to leave this place until you're healed! How many times do I have to tell you that you have to take care of your body?" Jun Qing felt helpless when facing this little kid. He is clearly a girl, but he just does everything like a boy and even wounded himself so badly.

Thankfully, most of them are not too deep to the point of leaving a scar and with medicine and time, they would be healed perfectly. The problem is just that there was too much of them. He needs to rest and not make big movements for some time.

"General Tou is strong," Jun Min answered. "Anyway, now that we have won the war, I want to have some sleep. I'm still sleep deprived from the journey."

"Sleep then, don't think about the other matters and let your uncle handle them," Jun Qing headed out of his niece's room and looked at the 12 people standing there, the Dark Squad. "Why are you standing here? Go back to your post."

The 12 of them didn't move from their place. They only received orders from one person, Jun Min.

"Return to your post. Yamin, stay to protect me," Jun Min's voice could be heard from the inside.

"Yes, Young Master."

They have been trained to call Jun Min 'Young Master' during his time as a soldier to avoid suspicion. After receiving their order, they turned and left. Jun Qing shook his head and returned to his post.