Stubborn Princess

After Jun Min departed with General Hen, Jun Qing and General Tou also departed towards the capital at a slower speed. They used carriages and in this time frame, they discussed about the part of the kingdom the Jun family is going to take.

"Are you sure that you want this part of the kingdom?" General Tou asked.

Jun Qing nodded. He does not plan to make the Mountain Kingdom lose most of their cities and he too has a lot of people he needed to move. Because of that, he chose the undeveloped areas of the kingdom and some of the cities.

"It will be enough for the Jun family."

"If you say so, I would inform the princess of your decision."

Jun Qing stared outside. "The wall is within sight. Do you think Jun Min has finished the whole thing?"

"You will soon find out."

After getting inside, Jun Qing indeed found out that his 'beloved nephew' had left just the day before. Hearing this news, Jun Qing felt his blood boiling again. That little brat!

"Did he tell you where he wanted to go?"

Kuina nodded. "He wanted to go to the east part of the Ming Kingdom."

Jun Qing thought about it. From the east, that boy was more likely to move towards the northeast, meaning the Nanglong family forces. He doesn't understand, based on the military prowess the Nanglong family had, they shouldn't have many problems in facing the Kai Kingdom, the kingdom is located in the north of Ming Kingdom.

"What about the general that came from the Pan Kingdom?"

"Your nephew has finished him off."

Jun Qing nodded. It seems like Jun Min had prepared for everything before he left. But really, he's still wounded because of the battle and he still insisted to go? That little brat is truly a headache.

"Why didn't you hold him back? His uncle is already worried about him," General Tou laughed. During their journey, he had noticed that Jun Qing was indeed terribly worried about his nephew and constantly waiting for news from him.

Kuina shrugged. "Why should you worry? General Jun Min is really capable. I don't think you would need to worry about him so much."

Jun Qing would like to do that, but he can't. In the first place, Jun Min is a girl and what worries him so much is the fact that it might get found out. Secondly, that brat is only 14, but he has already wandered to who-knows-where. How can he stay calm?

"Anyway, your decision for the place is unacceptable, how can you select those places, you need to pick some developed location…"

Jun Qing feels another headache coming from this headstrong girl in front of him. Why is every girl he meets all so stubborn? First his own 'nephew' and now this princess, they both are truly hard to negotiate with. Despite him telling the princess about his real intention in selecting those places, she doesn't want to accept it.

General Tou sighed. "It seems that what Jun Min has done is too big to make her neglect the Jun family."

It would be a good thing if this situation is normal, but the problem is Jun Qing felt another headache coming. The princess kept on nagging him and dumped the all other matters on the loyal officials who are left. Those officials are already on the verge of tears from the work overload they have…

"General Jun Qing, come on, this area is good too," Kuina said, peeking.

Looking at that girl's face from up-close, Jun Qing hurriedly stepped back. Although she cannot be compared with Jun Hua, the princess is also a rare kind of beauty. Jun Qing was a healthy man and he didn't want to have any weird ideas from coming close with such a pretty girl.

General Tou coughed, "Kuina, you need to maintain your distance, General Jun Qing is still in his mid-20s."

"Really?" Kuina looked at Jun Qing. Because of his time in the military, Jun Qing instead looked older than his real age, making it difficult for others to guess that he is still 25 years old. Besides, he had been busy with the matter in the border, which made him unable to think about girls all this time. Aside from that, the only beauty he had come into close contact with is only his niece who can still be considered a kid.

Jun Qing nodded seriously. This princess is truly looking for trouble over here.

"You should shave your beard. It makes you look older. I thought that you're already 30-something."

Jun Qing wanted to cry. It's normal for a man to have a beard, alright! Why would you want him to shave it all when he's already this old?

"That's a good idea," General Tou nodded.

"Let's return back to the matter on hand, okay?" Jun Qing said helplessly.

Kuina flashed a playful grin. Jun Qing knew that his time here will be full of problems ahead. This little princess is not only stubborn but also playful!

Northeast of Ming Kingdom

"General, the leaders are running away," one of the soldiers reported.

Soujin was standing within their headquarters. He scrutinized the moving army of the Kai Kingdom. Although they are moving back, they are still not giving up on the battle. Soujin stared at them coldly. He doesn't mind playing with them, but an important person has escaped from the battle towards the south. He cannot leave that person alive.

"General You, you stay here to finish them off. I will be chasing that person to the south."

"Yes, General!"

Soujin picked some of his soldiers before mobilizing them. He is going to chase that one person before he returns to the Kai Kingdom. If he thinks that going South can protect him, he was wrong. Soujin is not going to let him go easily.