Jun Min’s Death

Jun Hua stared at the two people arguing in front of the stores. It seems that Lan Ping is already ready to pounce on that girl, despite the fact that they were on the street. Jun Hua looked around before deciding to help her.

"Gao Ya, come with me! Let's go!" Lan Ping said with outrage.

"No! You!" Lan Gao Ya obviously wanted to curse this man before her and just leave, but she didn't want to ruin her image. She could only stand firm before him.

Jun Hua coughed, since her appearance was still Jun Min, she lowered her tone. "Lan Ping, do you now do something so low like this? Forcing a girl who clearly doesn't want to go?"

Lan Gao Ya eyes lit up, she quickly moved behind Jun Min. Her action was funny since Jun Hua is shorter than her and cannot completely block her from Lan Ping's field of vision.

Lan Ping stared at Jun Min with a heated gaze. The plan has succeeded on Lan Gao Ya's side, but it's not like he doesn't have his own card to play. Since Jun Min delivered himself in, he will just use that one.

Looking around, he found that there are a lot of people watching. Probably, his name will go down a bit, but it doesn't really matter since in the first place he doesn't have much reputation among the woman and he's married. Sending a glare at Jun Min once again, he turned and left.

Jun Hua looks baffled. He just left? Maybe he finally realizes that he cannot match Jun Min? But, something feels off…

"General-Prince Jun Min, thank you," Jun Hua noticed the tall girl behind her. She wondered how does this girl choose men in the first place. She is obviously shorter than her by a few centimeters (*cough* alright almost 10 centimeters), but she still chased after her with such determination.

Jun Hua sighed. "It's not a problem. I didn't do anything."

Lan Gao Ya pulled Jun Hua inside, she refused a few times, but after noticing the people gaze, Jun Hua walked in. The store is not really big, but there are some visitors inside. Jun Hua didn't have any interest in those items, so she quickly went upstairs with Lan Gao Ya.

The store belongs to Lan family and Lan Gao Ya is the one in charge of this store, so it's easy for them to gain access upstairs. Lan Gao Ya kept on looking towards Jun Min, wondering what the boy would like.

"Lady Gao Ya, I don't think it's appropriate for me to accompany you," Jun Hua said reluctantly.

"But, what if my cousin returns?" Lan Gao Ya put on an aggrieved expression, making the men who looked at it feel that it's their fault. The customers in the store stared at Jun Min with glares, making Jun Hua feel bad. She sighed in her heart, you're truly asking for it.

"Fine, but just for a cup of tea, alright?"

"Yes," Lan Gao Ya smiled brightly.

Jun Hua had to admit, this Lan Gao Ya is the kind of person who knows how to use her charm well. With her behaving like this, men would find it hard to reject her and will do their best to accompany her and make her feel better. Luckily, she's a girl and would only feel bad for her.

The servants prepared the drinks for them. Lan Gao Ya sipped it while Jun Hua stares at the cup in her hand with weird gaze.

"What is it?" Lan Gao Ya asked.

"The drink seems suspicious," Jun Hua said, and then looked up.

Lan Gao Ya wanted to say that the drink is fine, but then she felt dizzy and sleepy. Her head was heavy and she fell with a thud on the floor. Jun Hua stared at the girl and sighed. What is her plan now?

When she got near, she noticed something poking out from the girl's dress. A small pouch, but from the smell, she knows what that is. Jun Hua eyes hardened and she tried to wake the girl.

Outside the store, Lan Ping counted the time.

"It should be done now. Burn the store."


Lan Ping sat on the nearby chair. They should have already started, no? Looking at the store in front of him, he wanted to see the result of his plan.

Lan Gao Ya doesn't want to wake up no matter how much Jun Hua shook her. Jun Hua picked up a bottle from her pouch and put it under the girl's nose. It should've woke her up, but in the end, it still took Jun Hua quite some time until she waked up. At that time, Jun Hua noticed that smoke was going upwards with the temperature rising really quickly.

"Jun Min…. What happened?"

"You should ask the servants of your store," Jun Hua said as she moved away from her. She stared down with her brow creased. Can they still use the stairs now?

Lan Gao Ya didn't hear what Jun Min said as she held her dizzy head. She only knew that Jun Hua went outside for a short time before returning. She didn't know why, but the room was getting hotter and hotter. Then she felt something cold covering her body.

"Jun Min?"

"There is a fire in this place."

"What are you talking about? What fire?"

Jun Hua didn't answer. She turned towards the window and kicked open the frame. This is not the first floor, she cannot just jump down. Jun Hua looked towards the string used to hang the lantern during festivals. She picked it up and tied it towards the balcony while the other end is tied to a small but strong stick. She gripped the stick and threw it towards the ground as hard as she could; making it pierced the ground deeply.

"What are you doing?" Lan Gao Ya looked towards Jun Hua's actions with widened eyes. She was afraid and confused.

"Don't worry," Jun Hua bundled Lan Gao Ya in that wet blanket in a matter of seconds. Then lifted her up towards the window and used her own robe to tie the end of the blanked and mad it similar to a swing with Lan Gao Ya in the middle.

"Wait! I'm scared!"

Jun Hua didn't listen to her and pushed her down. Lan Gao Ya wanted to cry because of fear, but at that time, she heard the sound of something breaking and falling. She landed on the ground safely because the blanket protected her, but when she looked back, the building had collapsed.

Lan Gao Ya looked around, but Jun Min was not there.

"Jun Min! Where is he?" she looked towards the people around her. They are looking at her with complicated gazes and one of them pointed towards the building, his hand slightly trembling.

"He's still there. After pushing you out, he didn't get the chance to get out."

Lan Gao Ya stared at the ruined building, her eyes blanked. You must be kidding, right? He must be alive, he can't be dead just from a fire…

That day, there was a piece of single news that rocked the entire capital:

Jun Min is dead.



Hey everyone, Thank you for reading up until now and I'm really grateful for all the support you have shown me thro the comments, the votes, and the gifts all these times. \(^_^)/

It has been more or less five months ever since the novel first published until now. The novel started from the bottom of the rank with only a handful of readers and the number increase little by little. And now it has reached thousands of readers.

When I first try to write this novel, I never expect that I could have a lot of readers. The comment and the constant support shown to this novel keeps me going on because I know there are readers out there waiting for new update of the novel.

This is not the end of the novel, yet. This is only the end of volume 2 and also the end of the free chapter. Yes, some of you might have guessed it and I already mention it in the discord. After this chapter, FBFB will be going premium and I do hope you will still continue to support me.

I know that many of you didn't like the premium, but I have spent hours working to create this novel, so I also wish to gain side income from it. Also if you think this is too fast, there's one thing you need to know, FBFB would only reach 350 chapters at least and 450 chapters at most.

Still, if you choose to drop the novel because it becomes premium, I respect your choice since I know that many of you have other novels you would prefer to spend your stones. It has been a pleasure to spend all these times with you.

Once again, I sincerely thank you for supporting me all this time. After all, I can't get this far without all of your support no matter how insignificant you thought they were.

Moving on, I'm sure many of you already know that when a novel turns premium, it will give mass release. It's the same as this novel. I will give a mass release and this time, it will be a massive one, unlike the bonus chapters that I occasionally give previously ^_-

Can you guess it? Yup, it will be 10 chapters mass release. Hope you will enjoy them~ (And don't worry, I will keep my usual chapter release of one chapter each day). You don't need to give me gifts if you can't, just use them to unlock the chapter after this if you still choose to continue reading.

Thank you!

With Love,
