The Time is Up

After solving the problem with Yan and Soujin, Jun Hua can relax more. But, after a few days, she received news that makes her stumped.

"The time is up?" Jun Hua looks towards the paper in her hand. No way, it's this quick? If it was before, she would not hesitate and go from the capital right away. But now she can't do that anymore.

Jun Hua knows that this reluctance to leave the capital is not something in her original plan. It just happens naturally. She remembers her conversation with Kuina when that girl tells her that everything just comes to her naturally. Now that Jun Hua had experienced it herself, she finally understands.

"Miss, if we stay here too long, Strategist Wu would find out our plan and stop us," Yamin said carefully. She was bringing a message to her Miss and judging from her Miss expression, she knows that Jun Hua is reluctant to leave.