The Battle Report

Capital of Ming Kingdom

The emperor looked towards the messenger. "General Soujin had won the battle?"

The news brought by the messenger is from the war from the east. Soujin battle was the first one, the other still hadn't started yet when they received the news of this victory.

"Tell him to go towards the Mountain Kingdom and battle with them!"

The messenger wore an awkward face. He took out a paper. "General Soujin says that should you ask him to battle with Mountain Kingdom, this subject needs to pass on this paper to you."

The emperor brow creased. He told the eunuch to take it and after he did, the paper was handed to the emperor. Emperor face turned dark the moment he read the content. The message was short, but it was enough to infuriate him.

'General Soujin was granted one wish from the emperor. For that wish, this general had chosen to be given the right to battle however I wish and use my way.'