You’re Getting Closer to Your Dream

Fan Lanying didn't pull Jun Hua too far, she only took her to the quiet place on the grassland. Choosing one spot for them, she quickly urged her to sit down on the ground.

"Why didn't you tell me that you migrated to the Mountain Kingdom?" Fan Lanying asked, feeling a bit wronged. She only knew it from Ming Hui when he told her that the Jun family already moved away from the Ming Kingdom.

"I'm sorry. The plan is not something I can share with others. If there is anyone who listens in, it will be really bad."

Separating themselves from the Ming Kingdom was an outrageous move that Jun Hua did with her family. If the Ming Kingdom knew about it beforehand, the plan would fail miserably and the scheme she made would never be done.

"You really should have told me," Fan Lanying sulked.

Jun Hua laughed. "I'm really sorry. But, you are really busy too."

"Well, that's true."