Banter and Making Plan

That evening Jun Hua could already get out from the bed, and she too didn't want to stay there for a long time. Walking outside, she explored the palace of Kai Kingdom with interest. She truly wanted to know more about this place,

"Ah, Miss, are you alright?" Xia hurriedly came to Jun Hua side. She had been really worried ever since Jun Hua fell sick. Seeing that Jun Hua already energetic enough to walk around the palace, she felt glad.

Jun Hua nodded. "There are barely any soldiers and servants here."

"General Tou ushered them all out. He doesn't want them to spoil the view of the beautiful palace," Xia explained. She didn't understand what the general meant, but the palace without them was indeed beautiful.

Jun Hua knew the real reason was not literally, but she didn't explain it to Xia. She took off the veil she wore as she ordered Xia to clean up the room while she wanted to take a walk around the palace. Looking around, she finally found the living room.