Gathering Together

The battle soon ended and most of the soldiers from Ming Kingdom were either captured or escaped. Soujin let Lou handle all the matter as he met with Jun Hua, Yan, and Ming Hui on the top of the wall. He came the last because he needed to handle some matter beforehand.

Yan waved to Soujin when he appeared, "You are really something. Why don't you tell us about your and Jun Hua plan?"

"It's Princess Hua for you," Soujin said calmly.

"You still didn't answer my first question."

Ming Hui shrugged. "Why should he answer it? It's clear that you wouldn't understand anything even if he tells you."

"My IQ is not that bad!" Yan protested.

Soujin didn't say to him is because he didn't know when Jun Hua can come to the border. He could have planned another plan in case Jun Hua didn't come, but he wanted to trust her. Because of that, he waited patiently.

Jun Hua walked towards Soujin. "Sorry that I took so long."