Shadow of Jun Min (?)

Although Soujin said that he knew a way to defeat Ye Lei the day before, he still fought as usual the next day. The only difference was that he sent Yan away from the headquarters and instructed some things for the poor prince to do.

"I wonder what Soujin instruct Yan to do," Ming Hui sighed. Somehow, Soujin didn't tell them the content of the instruction. He felt slightly pissed off because they were the one who was the closest with Soujin and yet that man still didn't tell them.

"If you want to trick your enemies, you have to be able to trick your friends," Jun Hua said calmly.

"I know that one. Even if I'm a doctor, I still learn a bit of military knowledge."

Jun Hua nodded as she watches the battle. The spectacle from yesterday was still there, but she did her best to ignore it. Still, there was no way she could completely ignore it since it was right in front of her eyes.