Jun Hua Past Part Two: Learning the Sword

Although Jun Saya forbade Jun Hua to protect her, little Jun Hua still wanted her mother to be safe. Moving her feet across the street to play, she encountered the boys from yesterday.

"Look, she is here!"

"Great, there is no one here!"

As they say that, they circled around her. With her big and round eyes, little Jun Hua watched their movement. Before she could react, she felt pain on her head. She lost her balance and fell to the ground. In the next second, she felt another pain from her back. She completely didn't understand, what did she do wrong to make them hate her so much?

Children could only follow what their parents teach them. If their parent said that she was a disgrace that shouldn't be here, they would follow what their parent said and took things onto their hand. Because they were still young, they didn't know that there was a gray between black and white.