Marriage Ceremony

The next day, Jun Hua woke up early. Somehow, she felt nervous, so she didn't sleep very well last night. Still, she was already used to not sleep full 9 hours, so she chose to sit down on her bed and yawned.

Her action caused the two maids, who had been waiting, to realize that their Miss had woken up. Xiao Yun and Xia come inside with a copper basin.

Jun Hua looked outside, it's still really early. She asked, "What time is it?"

Xia said, "To respond to Miss, its 7 AM."

It would be impossible for her to fall asleep again, so she stood up and ordered Xia and Xiao Yun to help her get ready. Washing her face and using faint make-up as the first layer, she instantly made people unable to see that she didn't sleep very well last night.

Xia sighed, "Miss's complexion is so good. Even without any make-up, you're already the most beautiful bride today."