Shameless Old Man Number 2

Soujin quickly found his grandfather in the garden talking with Princess Xiao Meng. Going by the princess's expression, Soujin didn't want to imagine what his grandfather said to her. He rubbed his forehead silently. These two were truly troublemakers. Unfortunately for him, they were also his family.

"Prime Minister Nanglong Souka, is there any important matter today?" Soujin called with an indifferent tone to his grandfather. He followed by greeting the two people on the side, "Princess Xiao Meng and Tang Xuan."

Xiao Meng smiled kindly, "We are just talking about the recent events in Ming City."

Despite Xiao Meng brushed the matter off like that, Soujin knew that his grandfather's mouth was not that kind. He peered off to his grandfather with inquiring eyes, but his grandfather just put an innocent expression on his face, not showing any trace of his wrongdoing.

"Is the trade going well, Princess Xiao Meng?" Soujin shifted the topic.