The Furious Emperor

Yan looked towards the letter on his hand with a face devoid of any emotion, yet his eyes were burning with rage. On the side, Shu knew very well that his Master was terribly angry at the sudden attack towards Soujin's family. Not to mention, this time there were causalities and the wounded person was someone close to them.

He looked towards the rising sun outside with fury. This morning court will be the place for him to let all of his rage out. He would not allow those idle officials to get away with just saying that they were going to investigate the matter.

"Shu, help me dress up," Yan ordered.

Shu swiftly took Yan's clothes and helped the other party to wear them. Amidst Yan dark face, he knew that this morning court won't end up in peace because those assassins had touched his bottom line.

It was a very important bottom line of this Emperor.