
3 Years after the fateful encounter of Brian, Caesar, and their master, at the exact same spot of rolling hills and clear ponds, one could see a young man being absolutely hammered by a wolf. What was surprising was that this young man was not even trying to defend against this wolf's skills. Instead, as soon as this young man was covered head to toe with claw and teeth marks, counting up to exactly 800, he would plunge into a nearby pool.

All the pools in the vicinity of this pair of human and wolf were all stained red from the countless liters of blood that the young man had unintentionally poured in. These pools had miraculous healing effects, probably due to the stability of the ecosystem that was present, possibly even scarily so.

The predators were not kind or merciful in any way, yet the balance was always there. The herbivores never had a chance against their natural enemies, yet the balance was still there. These two newcomers, which if you haven't guessed were Brian and Caesar, did little to disturb the balance.

The two were clearly training each of their respective skills, in which both had reached the stage of Brilliant understanding.

Against Caesar's Brilliant 1000 claws skill, of which he could simultaneously release 800 of, Brian's defense allowed him to only suffer cuts and some deep gashes, which only occasionally grazed the muscles. That was just how tough his skin was. One needed to know that these 800 claws of Caesar could easily dice up a rock as if it was tofu. this just showed how much each of them had progressed.

The master of these two budding youths always believed that one's strength could not be determined through statistics, and needs to instead be seen through battle. This allowed them to properly adapt and change their utilization of their skills.

That is why every weekend these two would venture out into the different regions of this world for a two day hike. Don't think that this was just some regular hike. The places these two hiked were always filled with mutated beasts, some who had achieved skills worthy of becoming king of their race.

These constant battles honed the perception and intuition of the two trainees. It allowed them to quickly and calmly face enemies while maintaining their cool. It also developed the teamwork and cooperation between the two. They could practically know what the other would do, and could even finish off the other's sentence.

Caesar thought that this uncanny ability may lead to some horrifying stuff. Whenever he ended Brian's sentence or vice versa, he would chant 'I am straight', 'I am straight,' in his mind. It had almost become his mantra.


These processes had gone over for exactly three years and the pair were taking down their biggest opponent yet, a gorilla they dubbed King Kong. He had almost killed the two on several occasions and today they were finally getting revenge.

Brian rushed at King Kong by himself and just stood in front of the gorilla, as if provoking him, saying 'come at me'. This challenge, which is what Kong viewed it as, infuriated the king of gorillas. He pounded his chests, causing deep 'boom's to reverberate through the forest that they were in. All the birds had flown away.

King Kong rushed at Brian after the beating of his chest, and started ferociously pounding him with his fists. Despite this, Brian just stood there, taking all of the hits. Contrary to Kong's expectations of this puny human becoming a rag-doll and flying off to who-knows-where in one punch, Brian had stayed put. In fact, it looked as if he was unharmed.

Truthfully though, would anyone be unharmed when a 50-foot gorilla pounded you. It was just that all the damage that Brian had sustained were internal, and he was just acting.

Of course, Kong had no idea that Brian was acting. He had been furious and slammed down on Brian with most of his power, but this human was standing there. This made Kong hesitate and re-analyze the situation since he was not dumb, otherwise how would he become the King of Gorillas.

Even though this moment of hesitation was small, it was enough. Caesar, who had been hiding in the background, suddenly pounced out while deactivating the hide skill he had been using throughout the fight and rushed at Kong. Kong was surprised and stumbled a little, giving Caesar an amazing opportunity.

Caesar rushed in front of Kong and leaped up. While in midair he started furiously swinging his claws. The following seen thoroughly scared Kong, utterly unfitting of his title as King. What he saw were an uncountable amount of claws all coming towards him. Kong, even with his massive body and tough hide, was sliced and diced like a carrot. Scenes like this occurred often when Caesar displayed his might, so he would casually call it the cook when their teacher was not around.

When Brian thought about it, the cook was a very good name. First, Caesar would be in human form and pound the dough. These multiple punches would make the dough nice and thin and flat. Then he would go wolf-mode and cut up the meat and vegetables before stuffing them into the pieces of dough that he would also cut up. After that, if he boiled it all, he would end up with delicious dumplings. Just thinking about this made Brian's stomach rumble.


Suddenly, Caesar started talking.

"Hey Brian, we got another one." This was because Brian's skill, the 'shinobi wannabe' had found found prey.

With this, the pair would just sit and wait. Why didn't they try to take it down? Because of a glitch. This glitch was what allowed the two to grow so quickly as to understand their skills at a Brilliant level. The bond that had been formed between the two was actually very special. Due to the fact that it had linked the minds of Brian and Caesar, it brought along some special effects... Also, Brian's skill of creating clones was also to do with the mind...

See what I'm getting at here?

That's right, Caesar could also be added into this network of clones and whenever Brian created a clone, a Caesar-clone would be made with it. This stunned Brian a lot when he had first tried it and Caesar had thought that it was an impostor.

When Brian was thinking of the new opportunities this would bring, he suddenly struck gold and found inspiration. Caesar had always taken a liking to things from the Days of Depression and he had watched something similar to the 'shinobi wannabe', which is why Brian named it that in the first place.

It was Naruto. Naruto had used his clones when learning and it had brought all the information back to him.

When Brian tested this out, he was pleasantly surprised. Not only did it work, there were also benefits that Naruto had not had. When Naruto had utilized his shadow clones, he had only received the information after the re-integration of is clones, but Brian, on the other hand, could have a live transmission which he could portray in his and Caesar's minds.

Also, Naruto felt the following fatigue as well as benefits of his shadow clones, but Brian did not. The only downside was that he felt around 1/100 of the pain that his shadow had felt. It may not seem much but 1/100 is relative. Imagine how much 1/100 the amount of pain of getting stabbed in the heart would hurt. A quick hint: A LOT.

Just like this, Brian had constantly let out his shadow 24/7, which did not actually tire, and set them to explore on their own. This constant usage had also brought Brian's understanding of is skill all the way to Good, which meant he could create 3 shadows, and also remotely control them, granted his main body was safe. All the newly made shadows were out exploring.

It had to be noted that training up a primary skill was extremely tough, especially good ones. That is why after all this time, Brian had only gotten his understanding of the skill up to good.


Viewing from a distance was the master of the two. He was extremely satisfied with the progress of his two disciples. He decided that today would be the day.