Another trip to the principal's office

Once again, the five geniuses stood in front of that oak table in front of that oak chair upon the oak floor. And once again, sitting upon that oak chair was Principal Jones, except this time, he was frowning.

He finally spoke up after a period of awkward silence, "You probably know why you're here. You killed a genius. One that was a teacher, at that. Not to mention the 20 or so students that were also the best of the best. You do know that it took all my effort to not get you expelled over the past, what, 2 minutes. 2 MINUTES!!! In just 2 minutes, the whole NWC wants you gone, gone as in dead. D-E-D, Ded."

The five geniuses had known this would happen. They looked at each other and made their knew nominated spokesperson, Daisuke, explain.

"Sir," Daisuke began, "we know. Therefore we will leave!"

So simple, yet so effective. This short response allowed principal Jones to see just how much thought was put into this.

If they left the Academy, then everything would be pushed off of the principal's shoulders. These five geniuses would be the only people that would be harmed. And with Brian's world in the fang, they could be safe from most powers, unless they sent someone stronger than principal Jones, since he knew he wouldn't be able to break into the world.

But then, an idea came to him. Something so genius that only he, someone who had managed the Academy for so long, could think of.

"No! That's just so dumb! Why leave when you can stay. Show off your might. Show the powers that you are valuable enough to keep alive. Trust me! I have a plan!"

The sudden outburst followed by a torrent of words shocked the five geniuses. What did he mean, stay? Didn't they already put forward the best solution? What else could they do other than not implicating the Academy?

What Principal Jones said next cleared everything up.

"Haha! You must not have heard, since it is top-secret, that the NWC and other various factions want me to create another court, court 0. Court zero, they said, would not be better nor worse than the other courts, rather, it will be an individual court. Basically, a whole separate entity from the Academy. And so, I want you guys to be the joint leaders of Court zero. The specific name you can think of yourself. Hahaha, I'm so smart!"

Brian and the rest of the geniuses lowered their heads in contemplation. Would this actually work. Could it? After coming to a consensus, Daisuke spoke up.

"Sure! Except, we have a few conditions."

This was not unexpected to Principal Jones. Anyway, if Court zero was to be a separate entity, then of course they would need their own set of regulations and other things of the like.

"First, all teaching and management are to be decided solely by us five and anyone we deem fit.

Two, everyone joining is no longer in charge of their life. Basically, if someone dies, it does not affect anyone, us or the Academy.

Three, everyone joining is to sign a non-disclosure soul contract that also binds them with loyalty as one of the main features. Details will be sorted out at a later date."

When Daisuke stopped speaking he stepped back and gazed at Principal Jones, knowing that this would be a tough decision.

Daisuke had dropped a few bombs- no, nukes through his conditions. The first one was fine, as they were going to be independent anyway and that was Principal Jones' plan from the start. The next two were hard though.

Why? Because it stated that a person's fate would not be in their own hands, and would instead be determined purely by these five here. This meant that only those brave, strong, smart, or stupid enough would join Court Zero.

Seeing Principal Jones in conflict, Daisuke gestured towards Brian, who understood his meaning. He wanted to show Principal Jones what they had already achieved. A standard, if you like, for future performance.

So, Daisuke called out 5 of the best recruits he had gained from Court 1.

When the five came out, Principal Jones was positively stunned.

This was for no other reason then the aura they emitted. Their aura was one of rugged wilderness, yet containing hints of elegance and majesty. It was an aura fit for a top warrior. Then looking at them, only slightly nervous in front of him, the mighty principal of the Academy, firmly showed him the fact that these 5 geniuses could create more of the same, monsters the world had never seen.

Thinking up to this point, he started laughing maniacally. His true desire was shown. What was the Academy? A top learning institution. But what was Principal Jones' hope for the Academy. A place where the worlds could not live without. Something everyone was dependent upon. That was his dream. And with the appearance of these five geniuses, they could do it. They could fulfill his dreams.

"HAHAHA!!! Sure, sure. Good, good. Amazing. This is perfect. Go, go! Make me proud! I will keep those old fogies at bay, at least for a while. But I too, have a condition. And that is to become number one in the school ranking tournament next year. That's right! Number 1! Cause an upset and overthrow the Academy... Wait, I'm the principal. Whatever! For my dream to create a place that the worlds cannot live without! Go forth and cause an upset. Let the name of Court Zero be recounted for years, decades, centuries, even millenniums later! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa- *Cough*"

At this, the five geniuses looked at each other and started laughing too. Their principal, someone they thought so domineering, actually had this side to him too. Then, after the laughter died down, Daisuke spoke up again.

"Sir, one problem! Court Zero shall not be heard at all. We are renaming it, as you suggested. What shall be in the history books for who knows how long will be what brought us here in the first place. We all followed our dreams here. And so, we shall name our prestigious academy the School of Dreams!"