1st January 2304
Dear Diary,
So, I made a new year's resolution to write a diary so here I am. I guess I should introduce myself in case anyone finds this.
My name is... Ummm... Sorry, I forgot. Anyway, the teachers here said we weren't worth it. Here? Oh, that's right, I am in Hell- I mean the School of Dreams. Its the same. I really don't think Hell would be any worse than this place...
There are only five instructors here, the five geniuses, I think. They are the gatekeepers of Hell. The one whom I'm with is called Brain? No, Brian! That's it! Since I have a virtual skill, I was put under his care, if you can call what he does care.
He abuses us.
There were 50 of us, enough to fill out around two classes, but he thought it was too much. The first thing he made us do was to have a tournament.
Losing 25 were killed. I somehow made it through. Somehow...
Then came our real nightmare. Till this day, 5 of the others have already committed suicide. I have to say, I also have that desire from time to time, fleeting but there.
Brian works us like dogs. What are dogs again? Oh, that's right! They are a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractile claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice... I think.
I've memorized the dictionary already, learnt to speak 20 languages, become more buff than most bodybuilders with skills... all in 2 months! Has it only been two months? Feels like forever.
The only time we get to ourselves is... We don't...
Sorry, gotta go!
1st February 2304,
Dear diary,
It's been some time since last time I wrote. I honestly forgot it existed. But today was the first free day that we have, not that it'a all that free. We can only stay in our rooms, create patience, I think Brain said. whoops, it's Brian.
Anyway, our training got tougher since last time I wrote. We only sleep for 1 hour each day, and the remaining 23 are make me wanna die... Except I can't!
I physically cannot die because we are in the virtual world these days. 'The World in the Fang', Brian called it. We just call it Hell. We? Oh, that's right, me and my friend. He's called... I haven't asked. He's very smart but not that strong.
He's got a good skill, I'm envious. I'm just a shadow in the virtual world. Literally! I'm a shadow. I blend in with shadows. It's not like hide, which Brian owns, it's more like I merge with the shadow. He says it's good, but I don't see how.
We spend the days beating each other up, clawing, tearing, biting... Anything we can think of. Only one guy hasn't suffered an injury. That's Brian. Yeah, he's training with us. I think he said it was to feel 'cooperation'. His clones all work separately, hunting down all of us in the virtual world, always with a smile on his face.
That smile is what scares me. It's like he enjoys this, even though I know he doesn't...
How do I know? Ummm... Oh that's right! It was in that unit we had to do for extra study... Reading facial expressions... I think...
Ah, I'm getting called for being beat up.
15th February 2304
I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore.
3rd March 2304
It's so hard. I want to quit.
5th July 2304
I'm back. And i'm better than ever. It's so fun! HAHAHAHA! KILL! KILL! KILL! COME AT MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
25th December 2304
On the 25th December, the annual test was held. One man who had gone insane, Brian had not bothered to remember his name, was especially aggressive that day. He was a good seed, as long as William could rein him in later down the line.
Brian remembered that his skill was merging with shadows, perfect for the elite assassination squad that William would later lead.
This insane man though, got a little too much so. After slaughtering his victim and coming out on top, he ran towards Brian, confident in his abilities.
He started hacking at Brian. But he didn't know about the Ironman skill. And that was his downfall. He died to one well-placed punch of Brian's.
Brian, while searching the dead man's body found a notebook, a makeshift diary. And he read through it. From that day, Brian always had this diary on him. Because it reminded him of something. That it was for his dream but that those he was looking upon were humans as well. Since then, every time he killed a student, when everyone saw his face, he would still have that cold expression, devoid of feeling. But truthfully, upon returning to his room, a tear would always flow down from the corner of his eye.
It was one tear, but it was a tear nonetheless.