The Government and the President

The five geniuses soon found themselves on the Australian mainland. Yes, SOON! It was quite a swim from Fraser island to the mainland, but to these 5, it was like the snap of a finger, something one only needed to exert minimal force to accomplish.

They began touring the East coast, of course not before buying masks, sunglasses, bandannas, and the like. This was their first time in the most prosperous country in the world. Gazing at multiple attractions along the way, the five began to make their way to Sydney, the capital of the world, the imperial city.

The name imperial city was just an alias but was also what Sydney was more commonly referred to as. There was no royalty living there, but the president of the NWC would always have a large tower to himself right in the center. It was extremely similar to olden day castles in the middle of imperial cities, so they named it that for fun. Who knew it would catch on and became the most widespread name for the city.

Yes, you noticed it correctly, the president of the NWC. THE NWC! NOT THE ACTUAL GOVERNMENT! This was because the NWC already held more sway than any other political party anywhere in the world, since it was made up of them in the first place. This resulted in the NWC effectively becoming the sole hegemony of the world, and if not for independent institutions such as the Academy and Japan, which for some reason wasn't part of the NWC, it really would become the sole ruler of Earth. Also, this resulted in the president of the NWC always a very tiring job, and only the best of the best of the best etc. could make it.

Speaking of the president, one must say that the current one was a strange one. Elections were held every 10 years. Yes, it wasn't the 4 years that everyone was used to back in the Days of Depression. The reason was surprisingly simple.

First one needed to ask oneself why the periods of presidency were always 4 years. It was because shortened periods like 1 or even 2 years weren't enough for legislations and large-scale development plans to yield results. People could only see what the government did for them if they could actually see the results.

The problem of why the presidency wasn't longer was due to public opinion. If one's presidency was too long, they may become complacent and begin to deviate from original ideals. A good book from the Days of Depression, Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Within Animal Farm, it laughed and mocked at communistic and totalitarianistic governments who held all the power. It labelled corruption that took place within the upper echelons of society, and made relations with real-life examples, all metaphorically, of course.

This novel was even used as a political guide and strategy book until the late Days of Depression, when America had a long line of communistic presidents, and began taking over the world much like what Napoleon, a savage an deceitful boar, did to animal farm.

Of course, people nowadays were very, very smart. I mean, they had world energy, so if they weren't smart, then that would have been a massive surprise. Therefore, these references don't really correlate to the current society, but many politicians would still hold books such as this one when they went to sleep.

Also, because of the amount of information everyone has access to, the NWC could afford to delay the presidency period to longer, since the common people would not be deceived as easily. There were still tricks though... And they were way more malicious than back in the Days of Depression...

-Sorry, got carried away there. Just that I got so excited recounting my past experience of making my country. Anyway, I'll go back to the weird president.-

So, the weird president. You could call her weird. But then you also couldn't. She was more a good weird, if you know what I mean?

She was a genius in every right. Godly understanding of 5 skills including her main A class skill. And that was just the public information. Politics extraordinaire! Able to make decisions instantly that would benefit the most people. Amazing social skills! She was said to have run out of storage on 5 holographic tablets that only stored phone numbers! That's around 1000 gigabytes in storage just for contacts! For those who don't computer, that's A LOT!

Of course, it was not all sunshine and rainbows. She had one disadvantage. SHE WAS DUMB AS F*CK! Somehow, being a god at talking to others and making decisions on who to kill and which department to develop compromised her ability to do even the most simple of arithmetic.

She could barely do 2 digit addition!

Still, you had to admit she was a genius, though her skills are a little lopsided.


Walking, flying, and driving comfortably, the 5 horsemen made their way touring the East coast, not knowing the truth behind the princess of the NWC, only knowing as much as you and me, the common people.

-Actually it's just you, not me. Since I'm like, the king of many worlds! But I will hide the truth from you... Cause suspense! Teehee-



I couldn't fit this in the notes, so I'll say this here:

Today marks the first day of vacation, so I won't be able to get around to replying to any feedback, but I will do so once I get back. Also, you may realize this chapter had some politics. More will be dedicated to this and kingdom-building in general later down the line, but that's some time away, and I'm just getting you used to it.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!