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Hey, you! Stop!

After securing some rations, they finally continued their journey to Vrenze City. According to the map, they were only a few days away from Vrenze City, simply because their horses were kind of slow, but it was better than walking.

Honestly, it was really tiring for Dye and Company because Roderick would sometimes get mental...over his daughter.

"My sweet daughter! How scared she will be? Aih...I'm a waste of a father...I should just end myself!" Roderick whined.


Was this the so called imperial soldier? Why did he seem like a five years old kid instead? Julian had told you that your daughter would be safe for a while...

"Ah...who would want to marry her? Who, I ask, who!?! She was tainted by that old man! TAINTED, I say! What righteous man would want her, let alone wed her?" Roderick sobbed, but Dye just looked forward as if nothing happened.

"Dye, should we...make him stop?" Julian asked. After getting to know Dye for a while, he found out that Dye wasn't so bad after all.

"Just let him whine," Dye waved a hand, "He'll get tired of it eventually."

Though, Dye was nervous that patrolling squads would hear her, so she quietly reprimanded Roderick every once in a while. Roderick didn't whine that loudly in the first place. He still wanted to retain his pride as an imperial soldier.


In Dye's come and join group, no one questioned her unless it was really necessary. Roderick himself was surprised at how much better their teamwork was compared to the imperial soldiers'. Even the soldiers couldn't help but question the general, or even the commander himself. Roderick knew that the lesser the number, the easier to control...but almost no long lasting conflicts...how could this be?

This girl was a monster!

And Dye didn't appreciate being called a monster. In her opinion, she was simply a girl that liked to do whatever she wanted. Though she couldn't hear what Roderick was thinking, so Roderick was safe.

"Um...Miss Dye," Roderick suddenly took the initiative to converse with Dye. He didn't like taking the initiative before, because of his pride. Now seeing how Dye was even better than his own general, he started to respect her.

"It's Miss Red for you," Dye replied. Roderick couldn't make out if Dye was angry or not. The tone of her voice was just neutral.

"Okay, Miss Red, are you actually okay with me whining just now? I-I'd like to apologize for causing a ruckus, you see, she's my only daughter and my wife is sick...worried about her...," Roderick started, "to be honest, I didn't mean to cause such a disturbance..."

"Change into these," Dye stopped in her tracks, before throwing a set of clothes to Roderick, "your imperial soldier armor is too eye-catching. Some of the city patrols will come here in a while, so make it quick."

Roderick blushed as he knew why the city patrols would be there.


In the end the group continued their journey to Vrenze City, trotting peacefully. It was only because Dye and company had drained all their horses' stamina, so they needed to wait for another day to let their horses recover.

"Those city guards will be extremely arrogant, saying, 'Hey you travellers! Stop right there in the name of the city lord!',"Dye muttered, but loud enough for the group to hear. It was simply because she created them to talk like that.

Right after she said so, they heard a deep, haughty voice from the front.

"Hey you travellers! Stop right there in the name of the city lord!"

While the other five had a 'what the...' look, Dye was looking at them with an 'I told you so' look.