Chapter 6 - The First Meeting with the Genius Vixen Doctor

"Finally, I have arrived in Stardew Street and in front of me is the huge Faith Pharmarcy Store. It is indeed huge and wide. The exterior are painted with green beautiful flowers decorated around the main door. Two statues of a flower looks like a heart are on either side of the main door, which looks very unique. Two servants are stationed outside the main entrance welcoming incoming and outgoing customers. The medical ingredients I am looking for is probably inside. Damn, I am very exhausted, and I am sweating all over my body. I did not have any money for transport, so I had to run all the way over here. It took me 3 hours. Living in this world requires money to get anywhere, that is really inconvenience. If I had my cultivation, I could have flown here in a short time, but If I was discoverd flying here. I would probably be catched by the modern civilization and confined into a laboratory and experimented on as an ancient monster guinea pig." murmured Huangdi Long with a deadpan expression.

Huangdi Long then went inside the huge store, and he was shocked of the many ingredients displayed in transparent glass boxes. There were many ingredients that was hard to obtain in the immortal world, but it was easy in here. The interior of the building had elevators leading up to the next floors. The walls were painted white. There were many paintings of different patients having bright smiles, while doctors were escorting them out to the sunny weather.

There were many customers looking around buying and selling medical ingredients.

He then went to a woman sitting behind a desk that was empty. She wore a blue suit. On her chest was a name-tag. Her name-tag wrote "Cheng Aiyuhen." You could see her checking out her purple nails waiting for customers. She was probably around 21 years old. She had long purple hair and eyes. She was a beautiful woman around 175cm tall. It's a shame she had small boobs. He asked her: "Hi lady, do you have the following ingredients: Soft Depleting Powder, Lotus Flower Bloom, Vine Twisting Tongue, Eyes Rupturing Pill, Microfiring Ears Pill and Gaping Mouth Pill?" She was silent for a moment. She inwardly thought, that he was a weirdo that could be seen from how he dressed, and the bad smell from his body odor. She was just a worker and did not have the authority to send him away, so she said patiently with a forced smile plastered on her face: "We do have the ingredients you mentioned, but they are very rare and the prices are astronomical. Judging from your appearance. I doubt, you can afford them also we need permission from the higher-ups to sell you those rare ingredients."

Huangdi Long said: "Can you contact your superiors, please? I do not have the money, but I would like to talk with them about a compromise."

Cheng Aiyuhen said: "No, I am not gonna contact my superiors for you, as you have no money. I do not want to get scolded. Now, please leave. You smell really bad and you are ruining our store by staying here."

Huangdi Long continued to pester her about it and then she went angry and called the security guards. Two security guards in black suits with guns on their waist and robust body shape went in front of Huangdi Long. One of the security guard extended his hand on Huangdi Long shoulders, but they had yet to reach and he reflected the hand away.

Huangdi Long said intentionally with a mocking loud voice attracting the nearby customers: "Lady, I asked you nicely to contact your superiors for me. I am not here for trouble. You do not have to send people to kick me out. I may dress weird and smell a bit bad, but you are opening a business here, and you should serve every costumer equal with politeness, respect and patience."

Huangdi Long thought inwardly: "I am not the type of person who stirs trouble unnecessary, but I do not have the money or have the right to talk to their superiors. So I have to cause a huge commotion to get their attention. My life is on danger everyday, If I am not able to get the ingredients to alter my face. Sometimes, you need to think outside the box. Obviously, robbing the rare ingredients are not an option, as they are probably kept in a hidden storage. Also this store has a tight security, even if I was able to sneak in. Getting out would not be an easy matter. If I was to be discovered, I would not be a match for those security guards armed with weapons such as the technology gun invented by the mortals from my present memories. This store really has a powerful background as the security guards are allowed to equip range weapons in this society. I feel guilty about using the young lady, but one day I will find an opportunity and repay her in the future."

Cheng Aiyuhen felt wrong for the accusation and was stemming with anger inside, as she had told him nicely to leave, but he kept pestering her about it. She said with a voice of anger: "I told you to leave many times in a polite manner. Your body odor is causing our store to suffer hygiene pollution."

The nearby customers were gathered around the commotion. They whispered and discussed such as: "The young man is right. They have to treat everyone as equality. This is a medical store to help the citizens."

Others whispered: "The young lady is right. Poor people should not be here and beg for medicine nor have the right to bargain. This is a store and its a business and not a charity." Random whispers and discussion were spread around amongst them.

A middle-aged handsome man with brown short hair around 40 years old wearing a brown suit said with a loud voice: "The nearby onlookers, please disperse." Eveyone quickly dispersed, as they knew who the man was. He was the manager of the store. He then went in front of Huangdi Long and looked at the 2 security guards and said: "You two. Go back to your positions." He then looked at Huangdi Long while making a welcoming gesture and said: "Mister, our young lady wishes to see you. Please follow me." Haungdi Long replied: "Please lead the way." Cheng Aiyuhen was shocked of the treatment the manager provided to the weirdo. She was furious, but did not dare to complain about it. She watched him leave with the manager and remembered his tall posture and hairstyle.

They went in the elevator and went to the top floor, which was number 100. In the elevator. Huangdi Long asked who was the young lady and the man replied: "Our young lady, who you will meet in a second is the CEO of Faith Pharmacy Store, and also the renowned genius doctor in the field of medical arts." Huangdi Long was surprised and was looking forward to meeting her.

Once they reached the top floor. There were many doors. They walked to the door in the end of the corridor, and the manager knocked 3 times on the door in 1 seconds interval. A seductress voice, which could charm every male into obeying her commands with no hesitations sounded out: "Come in."

The man opened the door. The interior of the room was large and big. There was a wide glass window that you could view the beautiful city outside bustling with people. Inside the room. There was a vending machine and television screens displayed on the walls. Sofas, a laptop and bookshelves with various medical books. Huangdi Long was stunned and shocked of the sight not of the room, but the woman in front of him. He could never imagine, that there existed such an unbelievable beautiful woman in this realm. She was so beautiful, that she could topple the women's from the immortal world. Even though, most of his life he was hiding and running away from pursuers, but he had a seen a fair share of women in the immortal world. The woman before him was around 25 years old. She wore green fancy suit. She was 175cm tall. She was sitting on a sofa putting her crossed legs on the table. Her bare feet displayed. The color of her feet nails were green. The same as her fingernails. She has emerald-green hair and eyes. Looking at her feet could seduce any men into succumbing. She had a voluptuous and fit body. Her boobs were big. They were on the verge of dropping out of her bras. Her ass was also big. She had the perfect body. Anyone looking at her would feel lust and worship. She was a true seductress demon. Huangdi Long could feel a throbbing sensation from his private lower part. Ever since the incident in the bathroom with Granny Dandu. He had felt a deep desire towards the opposite sex, which he had tried to lock away the feeling. Now seeing the woman before him. He did not know where to look be it her feet, boobs, ass or her mesmerizing emerald-green eyes. Luckily, he had long hair, and they hid his wandering eyes. After a few seconds. He regained his composure as he saw a young handsome man around 25 years old standing to one side next to the green woman. He was 180cm tall. He had long red hair, and a red sword scar on his left eye. He was wearing a black tuxedo. His eyes were closed like he was meditating. He gave off a dangerous vibe, which made Huangdi Long sweat and wanted to get far away as soon as possible from the place.

The green woman opened her charming voice and said: "Please, take a seat mister." Huangdi Long nodded and sat down on the sofa opposite to her. Facing her directly face to face. He could smell the pleasant fragrance emitting from her beautiful feet and body odor, which had the effect of wanting to unleash the terrible beast inside men. Fortunately, he was not a man bounded to mortal limitations, so he was able to control his lust. The green woman opened her charming voice again and said: "If I am not guessing wrong. You caused the commotion not, because you wanted to cause trouble, but because you wanted to attract the attention from the workers, who had higher authority to make a deal with you. Judging from your appearance causing trouble would have either attracted the attention of the police or kicked you out of the store, but you still risked it not caring about the consequences, so I can assume, that you have no reason for playing around, which means, that you must have a rare kind of some sort of treasure. You want to make an exchange for the ingredients you asked about, right? How was my guess so far?"

Huangdi Long was shocked of the woman's keen perception and deductive solving skills and inwardly thought: "This woman is not simple. I have to be careful." He then said with a calm voice: "Your guess is right. That was indeed my intention. You are a very smart woman. That also makes the deal that I want to offer you easier."

The green woman was intrigued and said: "I like interesting people. What do you have to offer?"

Huangdi Long said: "You are a doctor, but I doubt you can cure every diseases in the world. For the ingredients, I will offer you one cure that you have trouble with."

The green woman said with a smile, that made his heart rate beat faster: "And what if you fail to deliver the promised result?"

Huangdi Long said: "If I fail to deliver, what I promised. You can do whatever you want to me."

The green woman laughed out loud: "You have neither wealth nor status, that I can make use of, but if you fail to offer your promised deal. Don't worry, as I will not kick you out or send you to the police, instead I will let you be a guest in my store for a few days enjoying luxurious treatment."

Huangdi Long thought, if there was something wrong with his ears, but he opened his mouth and said: "Please, tell me what trouble are you currently encountering in the medical field."

The green woman said: "If you are able to tell me the cure of sexual disease Herpes, I will immediately send people to fetch the ingredients you needed."

Huangdi Long contemplated for a moment, then spoke out a series of ingredients and how to mix and produce them. While he spoke. The green woman felt admiration, amazement, respect, curiosity, doubt and a tinge of regret. She found that his medical skills were much higher than hers. From her quick analysis in her mind, she knew that what he told her were not lies, but she could not be 100 percent certain as she had yet to try to test the formula he gave her.

Afer a while when he had finished telling her. She asked with a calm yet gentle voice: "I have yet to probably introduce myself. My name is Luse Cuimonu. CEO of Faith Pharmacy Store. What is your name and background? Do you have cures for HIV, AIDS, Cancer or other incurable diseases?"

Huangdi Long said with indifference: "My name and background is of no importance. I can guess your intentions, but I came here today not to become business partners, but simply doing a pure one time deal, so your other problems are none of my concern. I have already told you the cure for Herpes. You are a smart woman, so you know I would not profit for lying to you. Please, deliver the promised ingredients to me."

Luse Cuimonu had indeed promised him, so she made a phone call and told her subordinates to give it to him. After a while, they came and brought a black big sack which contained the ingredients. They were put in small boxes inside the sack. Huangdi Long then went to carry the sack single-handed. It was a bit heavy as the boxes were made of high-grade iron. He thought that he was lucky that his body did not have a weak constitution. He was on the verge of leaving. When a voice called out: "Mister, when will we meet again." Huangdi Long said: "If our path crosses in the future, then naturally we will meet."

When Huangdi Long left. Luse Cuimonu told the manager to get someone to follow him and report back his identity. The manager personally went and carried out the order.

When Huangdi Long was outside the building. He walked a few steps, then he felt a gaze that was observing him. He was thinking, if it was just his imagination, but deep inside he felt a bad premonition, if he walked directly to Granny Dandu's house. So he went a detour on purpose as it was better to be safe than sorry. He saw a clothing shop for men and went inside. Then he borrowed the toilet. Fortunately there was a big window. He then opened the window and crawled out on the outside and ran in another direction, which was a much longer detour to Granny Dandu's house.

The man, who was hiding in a long distance thought that something was amiss, as he had waited a long time for Huangdi Long to get out of the store. He then went inside the store and searched for his whereabouts, but failed to locate him. He felt a deep sense of crisis.

Back to Faith Pharmacy Store in Luse Cuimonu's office on the top 100 floor. The manager and red-haired man was on site. The man reported back his failure to his boss. Luse Cuimonu then said with a cold icy tone unsuitable to her beautiful features: "Kuai Jianshu, send him to the laboratory."

The man felt deadness looming over him and hurried spoke: "Boss, please spare me. I have served you loyally and carried out your secret orders faithfully with no hesitations and questions."

Luse Cuimonu spoke with a gentle voice: "Indeed, you are a very loyal subordinate, but you have outlived your usefulness. I do not have a spot to feed dead weights. That is, why I let you have the honor of receiving my reward. You have the opportunity to contribute to my store." Once the last sentence was said. The man was knocked unconscious in a very quick speed almost invisible to the human naked eyes. The red-haired man, whose name was Kuai Jianshu, who had stood next to Luse Cuimonu all this while opened his sharp red eyes and picked up the unconscious man and left one sentence: "That man is not simple." He carried the man and left the office.

Luse Cuimonu was surprised for a moment and a smile formed on her lips. She said with a voice, that neither contained anger or happiness: "Interesting, indeed a very interesting man..."

The manager did not utter a word all this while and he heaved a sigh of relief as he knew the personality of the young lady. He had sent a useless man to follow Huangdi Long, but escaped the blame. He had deeply underestimated the guy and regretted not sending someone of higher caliber to monitor him.