Forged By The Flame 3

Near to the now crumbled South East Wall were four figures, mounted on spikes, shooting out from the stone wall that had guarded the city.

One in a blood red brocade that Xueyu knew was once gold and white.

She knew because on the spike was her father. The emperor, former emperor of Xianglu. Beside him was her mother. Her hair was still messy with those strands sticking out. The pink hanfu she was wearing was stained red like her father's.

On the left of her father was another figure. A younger man dressed in a matching outfit as his father. Xiang, her brother.

On the right of her mother was the obvious form of a girl. Dressed in a red hanfu that was also soaked in blood.

Xueyu realised what had happened.

That innocent girl died. That should've been her death. It would've been her death... if she wasn't in that room.

In the midst of the palace yard that was a battlefield, Xueyu called back the tears that were threatening to fall.

She couldn't cry, she wouldn't.

She turned her face into one of stone. Her eyes became clear, indifferent.

She steeled herself and set a protective shield around her.

There she made up her mind.

She had to get out... alive.

Out of nowhere a memory pushed itself to the forefront of her mind.

-8 years ago-

A six year old Xueyu looked up into her father's eyes from behind the shelf of books.

'Do you promise?'

Her father gave her a pointed look when she hesitated.

'En. I promise,'she replied, still puzzled as to why her father asked her that.

'What i want you to do is this,' he paused to get her to pay special interest to what he would say next.

'If anything ever happens to your mother or me, i want you to go to the Dark Forest. You shouldn't go there unless it's an emergency. It's straight ahead from the South Wall. You must make it your duty to pass the border and search for a man called Qui Yang.'

Six year old Xueyu only laughed at what her father said.

'Father everyone knows that the Dark Forest is dangerous. Why would i go there? Nothing will even happen to you.'

Emperor Lu had only shaken his head at her ignorance, hoping one day that she'd understand.

He walked over to his study table and waved Xueyu over. She saw him rustle around in the drawer until he got what he wanted and pushed it shut.

He hoisted Xueyu onto his lap and opened his palm to her curious gaze.

In his palm lay a necklace.

It was pure jade with gold engravings embedded in it.

'I want you to wear this. It is a family treasure that you should cherish and guard. Your mother wore it once and now it is your time,' her father explained to her.

Just at seeing jewellery her smaller self got excited. There was no reluctance to wear the heavy necklace, in fact, Xueyu was almost begging to.

Her father tapped her on the head after securing it around her neck then sent her off.

'Don't forget what i told you,' he called out, reminding her once more as she dashed out the door to admire her necklace and most likely show off on her older brother.

Xueyu had actually forgotten about that. To have it suddenly pop up was both fortunate and helpful.

The Dark Forest.

Xueyu had heard many horrors about that place. Not any horrors that she wanted to experience. The beasts that roamed there, all the mythical creatures. All the dangers of entering and the stories of the handful of people who made it out of there alive.

She wasn't keen on the idea but she had made a promise so she would fulfill it. She would count it as a sort of dying wish from her father.

She was careful to avoid stepping on the bodies of the dead as she walked towards the gate.

... Towards the Dark Forest.

She kept her eyes away from the ghastly sights and her mind blank. Unable to feel any grief. She was sure if she did, she would never leave.

She could imagine herself crying her eyes out in that same spot and wailing loud enough for the remainder of men to hear. She could picture herself getting captured and handed over as a prize to the 'General'.

She shook her head lightly dislodging the thoughts. As much as she tried to think of happiness the reality was right before her eyes.

To make it worse, Xueyu wasn't one hundred percent sure that she was going in the right direction but she continued on the path.

Through the gates, following the paths that hopefully led to the Dark Forest.