The Real Battle Begins

On the very tip of the peak stood two figures. The wind played with the ends of their robes tossing them back and forth. Between the two a chilling aura was present, so cold that the tips of the nearby leaves had frost forming over them.

Xueyu moved her neck in a circular motion, working out all the kinks. Her eyes closed for a brief second before she eased them open and looked at her opponent.

A sinister smirk appeared on her face and the temperature around them dropped even farther. The smirk was erased as she schooled her features.

If it was any usual opponent then they would surely be shaking in their boots at her previous expression and venomous aura.

The only problem was that her opponent was actually Bao Wei...

A good fifty feet away, the other five members of the sect and Qui Yang stood, waiting.

The two opponents nodded at each other curtly before Bao Wei began slowly edging backwards.

Xueyu stood her ground, indifferent to the actions of Bao Wei.

He moved backwards to the very tip of the outer ring that marked the area they were limited to. With a burst of speed he charged towards Xueyu.

He was moving so fast that it was only a blur of his figure that could be seen.

Xueyu's expression shifted slightly as she saw the oncoming body. Her eyes closed and on her face was a tranquil look.

In a split second her essence was tugged inwards, to her Core. Inside was like an empty space, cloaked by darkness. Effortlessly, she summoned a stream of energy that spread around the space, filling the atmosphere.

With a thought she saw a spark appear then it grew and kept growing, running along the same path as the energy stream until it too filled the space. Xueyu flicked her eyes open and it seemed like time slowed down.

Bao Wei seemed to be just a couple inches short of her body. With a shake of her hands, deep red flames travelled up her arms, engulfing her sleeves yet it didn't singe it.

She narrowed her eyes and if you looked close enough you could see the raging fires in them.

Xueyu smirked then muttered something incoherent under her breath.

Bao Wei suddenly stopped in his spot. A soft blue sky and fluffy white clouds surrounded them.

From where the others were, a shout rang out.

'Woah, my Junior Sis is the best. She even mastered the Illusion technique. Look at Bao Wei's face,' Jiao laughed at the dumbstruck face of Bao Wei and the others.

Qui Yang was rooted to the spot and the others had their mouths wide open in shock. The only one out of them who had mastered that technique fully was Daiyu and it took her a full eight months. They didn't even know when Xueyu started.

Bao Wei quickly regained his composure and smiled at Xueyu.

'Well it was my mistake to underestimate you,' he grinned before spinning and launching into the air with his foot aimed at Xueyu.

She rolled her eyes and simply shifted then spun behind him and delivered a Thunder Palm Strike to his back.

Bao Wei was pushed forward with the force of her hit and he held his chest and gave a little cough.

Xueyu smirked at him.

'Hey Bao Wei, have you really become so weak? What happened to being Celestial?'

Bao Wei grinned at her showing his shining teeth that had a tinge of blood on the tips. He shook his head softly and immediately after spools of black started flowing around his body. They moved to form intricate patterns and Xueyu got a bit wary.

An oppressive aura came from Bao Wei and as he walked towards her, she knew something had changed.

A dark glint flashed in his eyes and he looked at Xueyu seriously.

'If this is a practice battle then I have to let you experience everything, especially if the rumoured Ning Ye is as talented as everyone says he is.'

Xueyu's eyes narrowed.

'I guess I should be prepared for anything then.'

Jiao leaned forward, finding the turn of events interesting.

'Now the real drama..uh... battle begins,' he said clapping his hands with glee.

The others found his happy expression so hilarious and contagious that they could only shake their heads with permanent smiles fastened onto their faces.

'Bao Wei made a smart move. He cares for that girl too much. He's finally realised that shielding her won't help her in anyway,' Qui Yang muttered under his breath with his eyes zoned in on the two figures.