
Bang! Bang!

The sound of the gunshot was loud and echoed across the streets. Everything became quiet and only the sounds of breathing from everyone was audible.

Unexpectedly, seconds before the shot, Jun Kai used a smoke bomb and astonishingly disappeared with the smoke. The area became misty like a spooky movie. The moon did not rise like it was supposed to but was covered by the clouds in the dark sky. The lamp posts had long been broken to cover Feng Min's act. Now, all was left was silence.

Everyone tried looking everywhere for Jun Kai. The men that Feng Min told to charge forth had all stopped in tracks to see if Jun Kai was really shot. If so, they would have some hope to run away. On the other hand, Jun Kai's men were quite confident in their hearts that their boss would be able to handle those two shots.

Feng Min stood thunderstruck while holding his gun in mid-air. He hadn't calculated that Jun Kai would have a smoke bomb and would use it to vanish.

Then, out of nowhere a black figure flew out from the mist and kicked Feng Min directly on his chest. Everyone was stunned as it had happened too fast. Jun Kai made a few other moves on Feng Min until Feng Min could hardly pull himself out of unconscious.

Feng Min was weakly lying on the floor. He was badly wounded from Jun Kai's sudden attack and was about to vomit blood out but had been suspending it in.

Everyone else gasped. While Jun Kai had been striking, they weren't even able to clearly see Jun Kai's move on Feng Min. Everyone now knew what it was really like if Jun Kai personally strikes back. He was merciless. Deep down, they knew that if it hadn't been for the chairman (aka Jun Kai's and Feng Min's grandfather) Feng Min would've been in a much awful condition.

Once Jun Kai was done with Feng Min, he looked up towards Feng Min's men. They all shivered and was trying to control themselves as much as they could.

Jun Kai smirked and slowly said, "I think it's time you all go back."

The men were all relieved as they had thought that they wouldn't be able to get away with it. All of them hurriedly packed their things and was about to leave when, "Also, I'll wait upon all your resignation letter on my desk. The chairman would really be happy with it."

This. They could only cry in their hearts. Although they worked for Feng Min, the highest person was still the chairman. Moreover, if the chairman knew about it they wouldn't be left unscarred.

"Jun Kai, you dare!" Feng Min couldn't tolerate any more and raggedly cried out.

"Tut tut, it might be time for you to wake up. Truly a waste for Grandpa."


However, Jun Kai had already turned around and was walking back to his car. All these years, Feng Min knew that their Grandfather had actually liked Jun Kai more as he was a rare talent. However, this time he had come to revenge for Fei Ling's death. He had secretly loved Fei Ling but had to give her up to Jun Kai, but this guy couldn't even protect her. He was truly mad.

Feng Min laughed out crazily with a hoarse voice "Ha ha, Jun Kai you're only good at saving your own ass! You couldn't even save Ling er!" As Feng Min spoke, there was a trace of sadness in his voice and a tear ran down on his face.

Jun Kai abruptly stopped in his track. His hand was on his car door, but he did not get in.

Fei Ling.

Feng Min added, "Hmph! Jun Kai, you're truly unfit for her!"

Jun Kai did not reply back.

In the past, both Jun Kai and he had been close, but when Fei Ling had come into their lives, everything changed. For Fei Ling's sake, he was the one to back down. He had tried pursuing her, but she had fallen for this cousin of his. During all this time, he had been watching her from afar.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bullet flew directly towards Jun Kai's left chest. Jun Kai had heard the change of wind direction and could feel something coming towards him; however, he was still frozen on spot. It was at that moment that he thought that he was truly useless. He had all the resources but couldn't even protect his woman. He tiredly stood there.

Feng Min saw the bullet coming, but he only tiredly closed his eyes like he didn't see anything. Sigh. All these years have really been tiring.

However, before the bullet could hit Jun Kai's heart, someone had pulled Jun Kai sideways. Instead of hitting Jun Kai's heart, the bullet had hit straight into his right arm. It was Xue Li who had ran out from her car and pulled Jun Kai away from death's door.

Blood kept running out from the wound. Xue Li busily took off her jacket and tied it tightly on Jun Kai's wound to stop it from any excessive bleeding. Nevertheless, Jun Kai was unresponsive and only sat down. He didn't even cry out from the pain or showed any signs of being in pain. Both his feelings and body were numb.

"Jun Kai, Jun Kai." Xue Li lightly patted on Jun Kai's face to wake him up, but he was still unresponsive. Xue Li asked him several questions but he continued to not respond or say anything back. He tiredly looked ahead without any goals.

Not until Lin Cheng who had just arrived on the scene ran to support his boss. He squatted down near Jun Kai and said, "Boss, you'll need treatment."

No response.

Lin Cheng encourages further, "Boss, please think of the young miss."

When his daughter was brought up, he finally woke up. He was able to gradually compose himself and lightly said, "Qing Qing."

"Yes, boss."

Jun Kai looked up, "How is she?"

Respectfully Lin Cheng replied, "Young Miss, just went to bed, sir."

"Take me to see her." Jun Kai reached his good arm out for support from Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng responded attentively as his boss was still injured, "Yes sir."

Xue Li who had been left aside was now clenching her fist tightly. It was her chance to appeal herself to Jun Kai, but he didn't even notice on her! She wanted to scream as she watched Jun Kai walking away, leaving her behind.

Before Jun Kai left the scene, he didn't forget to remind his good cousin of his, "Remember what grandmother has told us. Also, even if I couldn't save Fei Ling, but you have no right to speak about it. Where were you when everything happened? Drinking your heart out I suppose. This time I will leave you be, but don't let there be another time." Jun Kai spoke with his back to Feng Min. It must have been his longest sentence he had spoken to Feng Min.

Feng Min shouted his anger, "You know fair well why I'm like this!?"

Jun Kai halted, "No, you chose to be like that." He then left with Lin Cheng supporting him to the car.

Feng Min cried out sorrowfully.