Identical Necklace

"Yes sir. However, I don't understand sir. From what our men have found, Miss Mi Rong was indeed an extraordinary nurse and our men are one of the best investigators in the whole country, why didn't we find anything suspicious from Miss Mi Rong all these years sir?"

Jun Kai's face became grave, "Some people might be better at hiding, but in the end, no secrets are sealed forever. Dig deeper!"

He did not believe that anyone could ever keep anything from him. If he wanted to find something, then it must be found. However, this time Jun Kai had underestimated his opponent, as he was going against Mi Rong who had been careful with her every move.

Couldn't blame Jun Kai for not being good enough, since Mi Rong has the resourceful Xiao Bai as her side-kick.

With that, Jun Kai didn't want to lay idly any longer on the surgery bed and was about to get up, but was stopped by Lin Cheng, "Sir, you mustn't move around." Lin Cheng momentarily forgot about his boss' temperament as he was genuinely worried about his boss.

"Tut. I'm fine." Jun Kai irritatingly glared at Lin Cheng. Although Jun Kai knew Lin Cheng meant well, he was not used to being treated like a weak person, even though he was hurt, he wasn't going to die any time soon.

However, Lin Cheng must have gotten his confidence from somewhere that even Jun Kai's stare could only move his heart slightly, "Uh, sir then what about having some porridge? You didn't have anything before leaving."

"Lin Cheng!"

This time Lin Cheng was trembling inside his heart, but what could he do. He knew it was because his shortcoming that his boss was hurt. He wanted to make up for it. Besides, miss Mi Rong had also especially reminded him not to let his boss move. Although his boss was suspicious of miss Mi Rong, from what he saw, she wasn't trying to harm anyone.

So, he quietly said, "But sir, Miss Mi Rong strongly said for you not to move yet."

With this Jun Kai became irritated, "Lin Cheng! Who's your boss? Me or your Miss Mi Rong?"

This time Lin Cheng threw away all his thoughts and obediently said, "Then, I'll go prepare a new set of clothes for you, sir."

"Fine." Jun Kai sighed.

Once Lin Cheng left, the room was silent. Jun Kai then laid down while waiting for Lin Cheng. His thoughts began to wander around. Until he thought of her. When he was pulling her, he never had thought that she would easily fall into his arms. The stuffy little feeling was back again. The first time was from the rooftop, but he was sure he didn't have any special feelings for her, but why was he feeling this way?

At this moment, everything was back to the start. After his wife was gone, not having her was like losing a part of him as he was now alone again. It was indeed very new and sad for him.

Then a glimpse popped up in his head. Jun Kai remembered something from what had happened just a moment ago, he wasn't sure, but he thought he saw something similar on Mi Rong. He became intrigued and decided he must go check it out.


Mi Rong who had rushed out as fast as she could was now heavily breathing in one of the hospital's corner. Her face temperature was strangely hot when her cold hands touched her face. It was as if it could burn any minute. She took her time breathing in and out to steady her breathing.

If Mi Rong had taken a little more considerations, then she would have also felt her heart racing wildly.

In the past, she had never been so close to any male, not that she could think of anyone else accept her Imperial Father and brother. However, since coming here, she had tried her best all these years not to get close to any other man, but with this Jun Kai, she had been so close to him twice! What was more frustrating was that she wasn't weak, but she couldn't even move away from his grip.

I can only bow down to my master who had given all his effort to teach me. If master was here, then I can imagine him complaining, "Mi Rong ah, where have all your skills that master had taught all these years gone?"

Once Mi Rong came back in her room, she tiredly dropped everything down and sluggishly got on her bed. Qing Qing was long gone to dreamland.

"How was it?" It was Xiao Bai who had woken up from his sleep while waiting for Mi Rong to come back.

"Huh? Xiao Bai, you're still here?"


"Pft, you can go and prepare yourself for tomorrow's journey. It's like what? Midnight now, so I'm off!"

"Sigh, fine!"

Then out of the window, Xiao Bai leaped out of it. He was still invisible and nobody noticed him. After, Xiao Bai was gone, Mi Rong's eyes couldn't open any longer and she deeply doze away. It was both a mental and physical fight that she went through; treating Jun Kai's wound and being overly close with him.

However, some moments after Mi Rong dozed away, another person walked inside the room. He walked towards Mi Rong's bed and left some distance, but was close enough to observe her. He stopped in his track and silently stood there.

Jun Kai who had changed into fresh new clothes was standing aloofly in front of Mi Rong. His back was straight and both his hands were in his pockets. His eyes were full of questions.

Looking at the sleeping Mi Rong, he could somehow feel a resemblance of his wife on her. With her eyes closed, Mi Rong no longer had any trace of her arrogance but was calmly sleeping away. She didn't seem to have any harm at all.

It was weird that she looked similar to his wife, but at the same time totally different. Her lashes were long and would from time to time flutter. He must be seeing things again.

Then, he stretched his hand out and was able to pull a thin string from Mi Rong's neck.

A sparkling necklace was now lying on Jun Kai's hand. His eyes widened and his hand trembled.


This necklace was identical to his wife's!