Meeting Again


Jun Kai's cold eyes widened slightly. Why was she here?

On the other side, Mi Rong's heart skipped a beat. She never expected to meet him here. However, thinking more carefully, a thought came to light. Grandma's family name was indeed Feng and so was Jun Kai and Qing Qing.

Ah, this was really out of her control. Who would have thought that grandma Feng was from the same Feng family ah?

Grandma Feng who had been observing the two was grinning happily while sipping her tea. Not that she didn't like her granddaughter-in-law, but ever since she passed away, Jun Kai had become twice as worse from before. He would hardly ever speak unless he needed to.

However, now it seems, only Mi Rong can make this emotionless grandson of hers to have some emotions once again. She was also very fond of Mi Rong, so she would only assist her grandson, but the rest should be left for the two youngsters.

Jun Kai's eyebrows furrowed and his face was solemn. He didn't know what he was feeling, but it was like his heart was about to explode. All of a sudden, everything seemed to have become suffocating for him, thus decided to leave.

He quickly turned around and strode out, but a voice had stopped him, "Jun Kai, grandma wants to introduce you to someone, come over."

Jun Kai was unresponsive for a while before he finally made up his mind, "Yes, grandmother."

It happened to be that Jun Kai was always soft towards those who he really loved and one of them was grandma Feng who had raised him since he was young. He has always been obedient towards her as he knew that she had sincere feelings for him and would never be calculative towards him unlike his other family members. Also, he thought to himself that there was no need for him to be feeling this way and was actually very unhappy of himself that he did but was suppressing this odd feeling.

Xiao Bai was quite immersed in Jun Kai's looks. If it was the past, Xiao Bai could imagine Jun Kai being a formidable King. "Mi Rong ah, this Jun Kai really is handsome in real life. Would you be able to get me his signature?"

"Hush now, Xiao Bai. I'm never going to ask him for that. Why don't you go ask him yourself?" Mi Rong was clearly messing with Xiao Bai as both of them knew that he was not to alarm the whole world that he could speak.


When she saw Jun Kai coming closer, she decided to put Qing Qing down and get back to her seat. She still had some tea left in her cup, but now she didn't feel like finishing it. Hence, she quietly sat down.

Qing Qing who had just got down rushed to hug her great-grandmother and was chirping like a small bird.

Jun Kai was now getting closer to them, but Mi Rong did not show any signs of interests in him. She treated him as if he invisible. How annoying.

Mi Rong was quietly sipping her unfinished tea. She knew that Jun Kai was walking closer to the table, but she didn't even want to face that emotionless face. Ugh, of all the people she had to meet, it had to be Jun Kai's grandmother.

Xiao Bai could feel the anonymous feeling coming from the two people. It seemed like Mi Rong was agitated with this young man, but this young man was the father of Mi Rong's beloved Xiao Qing. Also, this young man doesn't seem normal with the air he's putting on. A perfect fit!

Hm, maybe if they were put together, who knows how chilly it would be. One was a stubborn princess, the other was as cold as ice. Tsk tsk. Xiao Bai did not want to think what kind of couple the pair would become anymore, hence, he decided to close his eyes and get some nap.

On the other hand, grandma Feng was closely listening to Qing Qing talk all about Mi Rong. She would from time to time take a sneak peek at the youngsters. Sigh, maybe she was wrong, they might not be a good pair; she'll probably have to observe them more.

Finally, when Jun Kai sat down, he was seated opposite from Mi Rong. A cup was placed in front of him and tea was poured into it, he took the cup to his mouth and slowly sipped the texture inside. It tasted very pleasant, unique but lovely.

While Jun Kai was sipping his tea, his back was straight and his movements were graceful. Mi Rong was quite surprised to see how gracefully he could drink tea. Maybe it was all thanks to his lessons from grandma Feng since she too had graceful gestures whilst drinking her cup of tea.

After chatting with grandma Feng, Qing Qing turned towards Mi Rong and began asking, "Rong Jie, why have you come to China?"

Jun Kai's hand that was lifting his cup up, froze momentarily before he acted like nothing had happened and took a sip.

Indeed, why was she here? To follow us?

"Oh, well one of jie's best friend was from here, so jie came to visit her. She's opening a coffee shop and I'm here to help her." She had met Xia Yun in Korea, but originally Xia Yun was from this hometown. Her past was quite tragic.

Qing Qing then asked further, "Rong jie, then how long will you stay here?"

"Hm, no idea."

"Jie, where are you living? Do you live close to great-grandma's place?"

Grandma Feng decided to tell Qing Qing herself, which Mi Rong did not mind, "Rong-er lives just a few blocks away. Now, Qing Qing take a drink first before you dry out your throat."

Jun Kai's brows slightly furrowed when he heard she lived close to his grandmother's house. He looked up and observed Mi Rong's expressions. However, all he found was that she was still as calm as ever and from since he last saw her she seemed to have grown quite mature. All of the information about her was clean, but his suspicious feeling ignited again once he met her here, of all the places it had to be near his grandmother's house.

He looked at her neck and could see a sparkling necklace tucked inside her shirt. The identical necklace was still a mystery to him and no clues were found about it. Although hers was identical to his wife's, he was sure it was not his wife's. The Shen family seemed to not have been any ordinary family indeed.

He decided to get up, "Grandmother, excuse me."

"Alright." This time grandma Feng did not stop her grandson. It seems there was a lot going on with this grandson of hers.

Mi Rong looked up and watched as his back was further away. As she watched him, her brows knitted closer.
