Why are you here?

"Mi Rong, someone else is here."

Not long after Xiao Bai had telepathed to Mi Rong, a tall figure calmly walked out from the bushes. Initially, it was a walkway, but because everything was dark, no one had taken notice of it.

Jun Kai's long legs brought him out from the shadows and revealed his well-sculpted face. Under the moon, his eyes were dark as the night, his brows were sharp, and his face was fair which all made him look devilishly handsome. His breathing was light and was hardly audible. Contrasting to his handsome features, his lips were shut tightly in a straight line. He had both of his hands in his pockets as he appeared in front of Mi Rong.

Then, aloofly, he opened his mouth, "I wonder, why are you here?" Jun Kai got straight into the point without going around the bushes.

On the other hand, Mi Rong was standing as calm as ever. It was as if the dangerous intent coming from Jun Kai had no whatsoever effect on her. She simply gave a faint smile.

This particular behaviour of her's was quite surprising for Jun Kai. He analyzed her quietly in his heart, how could a young lady even stand calmly against his oppression without being nervous. He was having a difficult time believing it.

Mi Rong merely answered, "That's none of your business." She was never obligated to answer his question nor was she going to talk about her own business to him.

However, her answer made him question his thoughts, was she just never afraid of him? Or is all but an act? Nevertheless, he didn't believe she didn't fear him. Thus, he stepped closer. Xiao Bai was now feeling very irritated and began to softly growl, but even this was not able to draw Jun Kai's attention away as he kept walking towards Mi Rong.

Mi Rong questioningly lifted one of her eyebrows and wondered why he would come over. He came closer and closer. At first, she was just playing his game and was not moving as he drew closer, but now it did not seem like he would stop any moment soon. When he was almost a foot closer to her, Mi Rong took a step sideways to avoid him coming any closer. However, with a flash, Jun Kai's hand gripped onto Mi Rong's wrist. He then used his force to pull her to a wall that was behind her before she had moved.

Mi Rong did not expect Jun Kai to pull her. However, when she was about to take any actions in return, she had to remind herself that she had to keep a low profile. So, she could only go along with Jun Kai's force and did not react. However, when her back was close to hitting into the wall, she used the tip of her shoe heels to stop in time before her back would crash into it. It was only a small movement and did not catch Jun Kai's attention.

At this moment, she had become very annoyed and her beautiful eyes were glaring at Jun Kai intensely. If she was an ordinary girl, she would have crashed into that wall and who knows the next moment she would have been admitted into the hospital. This guy only knows how to use his strength, but can't even control it. Xiao Bai barked once and was about to jump onto Jun Kai if it weren't for Mi Rong to tell him to leave it to her. However, this didn't stop Xiao Bai to keep growling at Jun Kai on the side.

Xiao Bai felt irritated that he couldn't do anything. This young man really needs a spank.

Jun Kai who had been looking at Mi Rong this whole time to see if there would be any change in her expression, but he was disappointed. Instead of being scared, but she was glaring at him like he had killed someone. He became even more frustrated as nothing worked out the way he wanted.

"Hey, as a senior and you as a junior, answer my question properly!"

Junior!? She was not young! She is even older than him. When Xiao Bai heard Jun Kai addressing Mi Rong, he stopped growling and instead was now trying to hold in his laughter, but strange sounds instead had come out.

Mi Rong was quite annoyed with her pal, "Xiao Bai, I'm going to kick your butt after this if you're not going to be on my side!"

"Yes, ke ke, young lady."


"Hahahaha." Although Xiao Bai couldn't laugh out loud, he could still laugh in his mind.

Mi Rong didn't want to drag it on any further and really wanted to get away from this person. However, she had long been prepared and used the same excuse she had given to grandma Feng saying, "My friend lives here. She's about to open a bakery shop and that's why I'm here, got any problems?"

"No..." Jun Kai paused, "...but why are you here in my house?"

"Your house?" Mi Rong's voice was raised up slightly, "I thought this was grandma Feng's house."

Jun Kai's brows furrowed, "We are both family, now, don't change the topic and answer my question."

"By chance! We met along the road and then we became closer. Sigh, this world is really small that I would even meet you, of all the places." Mi Rong truly meant what she said this time.

Jun Kai was not pleased with how Mi Rong was clearly showing her dissatisfaction towards him bluntly. Mi Rong was now pushed closer towards the wall and Jun Kai's hands were placed on both sides of her; blocking every way out. He used the wall as his support.

Mi Rong had seen Jun Kai's every movement and was about to budge to the other side, when all of a sudden, a needle was flying straight towards her. She immediately halted her movement and watched as the needle sunk into the wall. If she had moved then that needle wouldn't be in the wall but her. However, who was the other person out there!?

"Xiao Bai, do you sense any other person around here?" Xiao Bai who had been momentarily shocked with Jun Kai's speed finally regained his senses. There was another person out here? He began sniffing, to his surprise, he couldn't smell any human scent, only the flowers in the garden.

"No, why?"

"Look beside me, there's a needle." Mi Rong explained.

"What?!" Xiao Bai turned to look and found what Mi Rong was talking about. He kept his guard higher at the darkness behind them.

Mi Rong and Xiao Bai had quickly exchanged a brief conversation when Mi Rong had to face this cold person in front of her. Jun Kai who had used his big body to suppress Mi Rong was now regretting his decision as her scent was now lingering around him and her breath was now on his neck. He gritted his teeth to keep focus.

He didn't want to stay close to Mi Rong any longer but was still stubbornly warning her, "Mi Rong, if you ever had any thoughts to harm my family, no matter who you are, I won't let you go. Remember, I have warned you."

After all, was said, he quickly left Mi Rong behind.