
The next day

The whole family was having breakfast with an additional guest sitting by the table. The atmosphere was not as merry as it used to be.

On the other hand, Xue Li was the only one with smiles. She would be sending food on other's plates except Mi Rong's.

"Qing-er, here's a piece of soup dumpling."

"Grandma, here's some roasted duck." And "Jun Kai, here's your favourite fried noodles."

Mi Rong was quietly eating her own food away. However, at times she would start coughing as she was trying her best to hold in her laughter. "Rong jie, are you alright?" Qing Qing, on the other hand, became worried for Mi Rong as she thought her jie had choked on her food.

Jun Kai also looked up when he heard his daughter asking Mi Rong. He looked for signs of her being sick, but he couldn't find any.


"Jun Kai, have some of this." But before he turned away, he could see the corners of her lips raised slightly.

She really thought she could exclude herself from this clingy person right beside him? That's not going to happen. He then picked up a soup dumpling and put it on her plate. Mi Rong quickly looked up and her face was showing some annoyance.

However, Jun Kai didn't put it into his mind and only said, "Have some of it, it might help your coughing."

This guy! She had already kept as quiet as possible, but now he's bringing trouble to her. Mi Rong quickly looked sideways and only to find a piercing eyesight from Xue Li. Aiyoo, this girl, she's not even his woman but acts like one.

Grandma Feng who had kept her temperature warm not too close nor to distance towards Xue Li had a small smile on her face. However, her eyes were full of teasing.

Qing Qing, on the other hand, was quite surprised to see her dad initiate something like this. She hadn't seen anything like this since…since her mum left. Does this mean…..Qing Qing's face became red and she then hid her face. She couldn't believe it, her dad and Rong jie, this is going to be exciting. This was faster than she thought.

She only hopes that her dad will be happy and if dad is happy, her mother would also be happy. This she was sure of.

Xiao Bai who had been waiting for some food right beside Mi Rong could also see the whole scenario "Ohh, looks like trouble is coming straight to you."

"I already know. You don't need to say it anymore."

"Speaking of the devil, here she's coming. Looks like she's going to pour some tea…..into your class? Haha, Mi Rong why not get wet and burnt, hm?"

"No thanks."

Before Xue Li could walk any further, Mi Rong drank what was left in her cup and turned the cup upside down. She did not forget to tell everyone that "Ah, the tea was very nice, I'll be having some water from now on.

Jun Kai smiled. He knew how well she loved drinking tea. However, she even gave it up. What a sneaky girl.

Xue Li could only stop in her tracks and the teapot had burnt some of her hand. She was standing not far and neither too near to Mi Rong, but she couldn't take any steps forward. She couldn't just go and pour tea to Mi Rong any longer; else it would look like she was forcing Mi Rong.

So, she decided to turn towards grandma Feng who was sitting at the head of the table, "Grandma Feng, Xue Li would like to pour some tea for you."

However, when she had turned, grandma Feng's cup was already full. She was left in an awkward situation where she didn't know where to go.

"Oh what a shame, it's alright Xue Li. Just put the teapot back and sit down." Grandma Feng did not feel like being mean to this girl. However, if Xue Li had crossed lines then she would not leave her be.

Xiao Bai said with a humph, "Serves you right!"

"Xiao Bai, I thought you wanted me to get wet. Why did you change your mind now, hm?"

"Ey, don't be mad Mi Rong. I was only joking then and who would want you to get hurt, hm?"

"Well, she's one of them. But hey, what's going on with you. Lately, you've been sleeping a lot, are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh, me? It's nothing, just feeling sleepy."

Xiao Bai only generally said how he was, so Mi Rong didn't ask any further. "Oh."

After a while, the guards ran inside to inform them of the arrivals of their new guests.

"Madam, madam Yun is here with young master Feng Min."

"Oh, I wonder why they are here. Let them in, we're all having some tea and sweets now."

"Yes, mam."

Mi Rong was familiar to this Feng Min's name like she had heard it from somewhere before, but she couldn't remember. However, when the two walked inside, Mi Rong could remember clearly who the other person was.

One was an elderly who looked around the same age as grandma Feng. She was wearing the lucky red colour from head to toe. The person beside the elder was wearing a silver suit and had the image of a playboy since walking in. The handsome face could not hide the dangerous air from him.

As Mi Rong looked at this Feng Min, she remembered he was at the hospital when she had woken up from her injuries. It was this very person that had been accusing her of stealing Jun Kai from his wife. Sigh, two problematic men in the house, she wondered what would happen.

"Ah Feng jie jie, long time no see. How have you been doing? I hope your health is still alright." 

Wow, it seemed Feng Min isn't the only troublemaker. This elderly in red seems to be up to no good. What were their relationships with grandma Feng then?